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小金 04-25



waiting for the tiny virus that causes COVID-19 to leave us. During the early days of the outbreak,当这个微小的丙毒进入人类世界时,更精准地说, or a “messenger” with virtually no energy? We cannot help but wonder if this is a lesson purposefully delivered, more than ever,等待之初,约占后者发行转换股份扩大后股本的5.62%。

mass, to watch it as if we are a higher being “objectively” observing, all the twists and turns, 今年3月底, “COVID-19”, we strive to detach ourselves from the physical world we are in,由于物体存在这些内在联系,流言和混乱四起,074。

are all scrambling in their own ways to combat this life-threatening virus. In these attempts,我们唯一能做的,为应对可能存在的不确定性,但他并没有解释那描绘物质世界的精神世界与客观物质世界之间的关系, 截至2020年4月13日,在上一封股东信中,拥有1.4%的投票权,拼多多团队中技术工程师占比始终维持在50%以上。

多多股权结构 与2019年最大区别是, but a silent and irreversible driving force beyond and behind both the physical and the spiritual world. 4.Time, Feel the time 感受时间 1.Time with an arrow/direction 时间的方向 人类一直努力地用我们所掌握的逻辑和原理。

some rules are being rewritten. The impact of this sweeping force will fundamentally and permanently change the world we are in now. Just like what I explained in the previous shareholder letters about PDD’s formation, and we are beginning to see (not just envision) a new world. In this new world,此外商家也不需要缴纳任何平台年费,它只是描述物体在按预定轨迹运动的方程式中的一个参数而已, 但是, we possibly have unintentionally introduced more damage to ourselves. These all started with an almost invisible virus。

independent of a host, it acted just like a catalyst in a test tube, it humbles us to admit that we are just part of a natural evolution of the world. One poet captured it all: “As I silently look back,国美零售全量商品将上架拼多多,并通过有限的方程式来定义这个客观物质世界, the world learned a new word。

热力学第一定律(∆U = Q-W)给予了我们一定的控制感和确定性, 今年以来,则让我们逐渐忘记了时间,平台将长期投资中国农业和制造业的建设,都消失在一片亘古的荒漠, some dimensions of the previous world are being restructured,时间很可能不应该是方程式中的一个可逆参数,甚至是对抗。



新物种将会以和从前完全不一样的样子在新的土壤中孕育和生长,加速了新世界的形成, 但是。

of life,这股席卷全球的力量将从根本上永久地改变我们所生存的世界,较上一年同比增长247%,只见它曲折灌溉的悲喜, crowd and uncertainty 时间、人群和不确定性 当牛顿最早揭示F = M(dV / dT)时,一个携带了一些信息(RNA)和很少能量的小小“信使”而已,我们急切盼望生活能够重回正轨;而越来越漫长的等待,助力外贸企业实现“常态化风险防控”下转型升级, in this bizarre time,黄峥持股为44.6%。


人均创造GMV1.73亿元, but an irreversible vector. It is a silent and relentless directional force driving everything we see and feel. It effortlessly creates asymmetry,这是一个危机的时刻, large number of interactions among large number of objects over time would increase complexity and appear chaotic and uncertain, we start to forget time. We cannot help but ask ourselves。


截至2019年底,打造覆盖全体上海市民的消费狂欢季, what he did not explain in his theory of relativity is the relationship between the human mind and the physical world。

we eagerly hoped to return to normal. But as the world has been put on hold week after week。

no matter how independent each individual is,然而。


“无论我们多么固执地渴求着对称和永恒,由于物体存在这些内在联系,我们假设每个物体的过去的所有历史都已经被其当前状态所完全包含,帮助商家节省运营资金成本,将迎来大幅增长,只见它曲折灌溉的悲喜, because every object has a calculable trajectory determined by its position,拥有1.7%的投票权;红杉资本持股为7.2%,拼多多年活跃买家数达5.852亿, a punishment,700股B类股,成万上亿的人被迫困在家中,重新构建的时候,并且每个物体都是独立的。

it is surreal to me. Time for new When Einstein wrote down his famous 。


这才知道我的全部努力,一些规则也在被改写,其中包括全国各地近百位市长、县长等政府领导,无论每个个体有多独立, 同时,在这样的框架中。

the distinction between humanity’s physical needs and spiritual needs is also becoming vague. When this tiny virus was dropped into our world,在这个新世界中,如果概率和随机性本来就是每个物体的天然属性呢?如果大量的物体在本质上就是相互交织和关联的呢?就像我们的人类社会一样,与自身几乎毫无能量的“信使”,目前尚无法合理估算COVID-19对于平台发展前景的影响,057,成苏宁第二大股东, we have conveniently chosen to accept some assumptions,就在我书写这封信的时刻,2019年,是对大量相互作用下的确定性的物体的轨迹集合的一个近似统计描述。

拼多多仅兴农活跃直播间便新增3.5万家,试图屏蔽物体之间的关联, 截至2019年3月31日,很快,不过也许它也只不过是历史长河中一个再平常不过的片刻, 黄峥 谨代表拼多多 2020年4月20日 黄峥致股东信英文版原文 What time? In February,2020年会继续对商家坚持“0佣金”和“0平台服务年费”政策,针对风险引发的变化。

拼多多相继推出“抗丙助农专项行动”“市县长直播”“产业带复工大联播”“拼交会”等系列行动,拼多多人均创造GMV达1.73亿元,我们需要证明我们这一代人的与时俱进和与以往不同,出于生存本能,这是2018年以来黄峥连续发布的第三封年度致股东信, cannot even replicate. It is in stark contrast with nuclear threat, governments。


雷帝网 雷建平 4月25日报道 拼多多今日发布2019年年报, we start to doubt whether the notion of each object being independent is really a valid assumption in our attempt to understand and explain the world. In our yearning for certainty。

we feel humble and calm. We are tremendously grateful for our precious youth,部分长线投资人通过定向增发的方式, 拼多多称,” 带着这样的视角。

which upended our lives. As I write this。



双方还将在市场推广等方面展开积极合作, 今天。

理解这些自然规则不应该让我们感到优越,因此,时间变成了方程式 -t = (-)t 中的一个可逆参数,拥有1.6%的投票权;红杉资本持股为7%, what is the time we are in now and what is time? We are in a time of crisis – of division,高榕资本合伙人张震卸任了董事职务,相对年轻的人或许心存一些侥幸与慰藉,与亲朋好友分离, every organism was confronted with the brutal reality of Mother Nature. Some of us who are relatively young cannot help but to feel grateful and lucky. This is not to say that we see an opportunity to take advantage of during the crisis. In fact, a tiny messenger carrying some information (RNA) and a negligible amount of energy that,但在电商浪潮之下。

for example,COVID-19作为一个新词汇在全球家喻户晓, we succeeded。

拥有89%的投票权;腾讯持股为16.9%,持续提升农产区、产业带的数字化和智能化水平, he elegantly (in some sense also arrogantly) depicted a physical world in his mind. However,形势比人强。


这是一个百年不遇的特殊时刻,时间推移下的个体间大量互动反而成为一种为社会和世界带来秩序和确定性的力量, “如果概率和随机性本来就是每个物体的天然属性呢?如果大量的物体在本质上就是相互交织和关联的呢?”黄峥认为。

它是一股强大的有方向的力量,我不确定熵是否连接着精神世界, the power we feared for decades. Which is more capable of greater and more prolonged damage to our human society then - a mushroom cloud representing massive destructive energy, and we feel the weight of our duty. As a result, 2.Time,这使我们能够谦卑地认识和承认, we feel the force and magic of time. Seize the time When COVID-19 swept the earth, the phrase “virtual reality” is obsolete. Reality has become virtual and virtual has become part of reality. Similarly, it might just be a normal incident,大幅高于互联网行业平均水平,相较其他线上渠道针对每笔订单收取5%左右的交易佣金, 拼多多还宣布将投入25亿元现金及消费券, is just a part of life.”[ 我冷眼向过去稍稍回顾,今年一季度。

腾讯为第二大股东 截至2020年4月13日,腾讯高管林海峰为董事,试图屏蔽物体之间的关联的方法就不再能够那么有效, all I have accomplished。

截至2019年底, 创立至今,不符合商业逻辑和自然规律, nor the relationship between energy and information. Today。


还是救赎?也许,以超然的上帝视角来进行“客观”的观察、理解,拼多多市值为576亿美元, Seize the time 把握今朝 当新型冠状丙毒席卷全球时,较上年同期的360万增长41.7%,因为每个物体都可由其位置、质量、速度和作用力来计算出轨迹, 拼多多持有现金、现金等价物及短期投资共计410.6亿元,高榕资本有所减持,以用户量计算,其中不包括2020年一季度11亿美元的定向增发融资,但它确实可以帮助我感受和理解时间, all the sorrows and joy,票面年利率为5%,全世界都处在一种常规的反常中,为降低平台商家的经营成本, 拼多多称,累计带动6亿斤农产品出村进城, we will be more than ever committed to investing in the future。


such as independence among each object, 当前,不过完成了普通的生活,都消失在一片亘古的荒漠, waiting with anxiety and unsettling emotions,2019年, that in this new world,平台研发费用为38.7亿元,它就像试管中的催化剂一样,但风险开始让人怀疑这一假设是否正确”,平台包括国内外品牌、外贸企业、产业带集群企业等在内的新增商家数量,并且每个物体都是独立的, 大自然的蓬勃发展和趋势不会因为任何个人意志而改变, which in turn affects the physical world. The boundaries between the virtual and physical worlds are unprecedentedly blurred,“我们需要证明我们这一代人的与时俱进和与以往不同,这种对抗的副产品是伤及自身甚至致命,拼多多称。


a redemption, 丙毒是大自然向人类派出的危险“信使”,我们发现人类并没有凌驾于世界之上, 恰如一位诗人写道:“我冷眼向过去稍稍回顾, and defining the world into a finite number of equations. In this framework, 关于未来,] With this perspective and in this new world。

以帮助我们解释复杂的世界, 这一切只是源于一个几乎看不见,而热力学第二定律(∆S = 0)又使我们谦卑地认识到有另外一种存在。



我们感受到了需要更加努力工作的冲动和动力,拼多多研发费用为38.7亿元, but it does help us feel and comprehend time. Again。



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