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很大比例的女性假如不趁着酒后之勇,均转载自其它媒体,查询拜访发现,英国数百万名女性在做爱前喝酒——因为她们没有自信心在清醒状态下做这件事,古怪的姿势) get between the sheets: 就寝;在被窝里 Dutch courage :courage inspired by drunkenness or drinking liquor(酒后之勇) one night stand: a single,她们没有自信心在清醒时做爱。

” “这表白。

请与010-84883631联络;凡本网注明“来源:XXX(非英语点津)”的作品, 英国女性热衷酒后做爱 Women drink before sex 'because they lack the confidence to do it sober' [ 2009-10-07 08:28] 字号 [] [] [] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:挪动用户编纂短信CD至106580009009 Women drink before sex to boost their confidence,仅供进修与钻研,更大胆。

如孕育发生任何问题与本网无关;本网所发布的歌曲、电影片段,其他任何网站或单位未经允许不得不法盗链、转载和使用,股权架构设计,对折受访者喜爱在做爱前喝上一杯,” 别的,这说明在性的问题上,违者必究。


但至少有五个都是在酒后, ,” “只管很多女性称做爱前喝酒只是因为这是个必经程序,请提供版权证明, unrepeated sexual encounter, or posture(滑稽的动作, fantastic。


the survey revealed. Kathryn Lakeland of Femfresh, 她说:“从这些查询拜访成果可以分明地看出, 六分之一的受访女性认可,假如侵权,以便尽快删除,” “但在这种状况下,女性以至在第二天早晨就记不起男伴的名字了,因而更容易发生酒后一夜情,000 women found that half preferred sex after a tipple . Women said alcohol helped them lose their inhibitions and become more adventurous between the sheets. The study found that 75 per cent of women like to drink a glass of wine or two immediately before getting into bed with their husband or boyfriend. Six per cent of women have never had sober sex,75%的女性在与老公或男友上床前喜爱喝上一两杯,股权课程, a study claims. Researchers examining the link between sexual habits and alcohol consumption among 3,股权律师,缺乏自信心是大大都女性的主要担心, 查询拜访发现, a large percentage will actually refuse to get between the sheets without a bit of Dutch courage . "This demonstrates that women feel unable to let their hair down and fully enjoy themselves without something to fuel their inhibitions. "But in doing so many women will be losing self control and this is when drunken one night stands are more likely to occur." The study also found that the average woman has slept with eight men,请与稿件来源方联络, 6%的受访女性从未在清醒状态下做过爱,普通女性一般与八个男性有过性关系, or ludicrous gesture, the cosmetics brand which carried out the study, researchers discovered. One in six women admitted that they did not have the confidence to sleep with someone when they were sober. Fourteen per cent of women in a relationship said they couldn't face sleeping with their partner unless they had a couple of glasses of wine beforehand. 点击检察更多双语新闻 (Agencies) 一项查询拜访显示,” “酒精在女性的感情生活中饰演着不成或缺的角色,此刻的英国女性重大缺乏自自信心,很多女性往往无奈自持, act,在此中的两次,就无奈和伴侣有床第之欢,假如不借助点什么东西来撤销矜持,查询拜访成果显示,宗旨在于流传更多信息, 受访女性称,就会回绝做爱, 相关浏览 金融危机来袭 英国人“性”趣不减 查询拜访:英国三分之一少女曾遭男友性迫害 查询拜访:近一半女性宁愿不做爱也要上网 每日性爱可改善精子质量 有助好孕 日本:凌驾1/3的夫妇不过性生活 钻研:抑郁女性更渴望性爱 钻研:穿高跟鞋可改善性生活 (英语点津许雅宁 姗姗编纂) Vocabulary: tipple :intoxicating liquor(饮酒) antics :a grotesque, said a lack of confidence was the main concern of most women. She said: "These results are a clear indication that British women today are severely lacking in confidence. "The fact that alcohol plays an integral role in their love lives shows that women are looking for a boost in self-esteem when it comes to their bedroom antics . "While many women claim they only drink before sex because it is part of the dating process,其他媒体如需转载,14%的人称假如之前不喝几杯酒, as one lasting for just one night(一夜情) 分享按钮

热衷酒后做爱 双语新

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