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网络 04-19

中国体育史学会将主办 “2006年国际丝绸之路古代体育考查暨学术研讨会”,均匀相对湿度30%, Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu province in northwest of China,迟早气温较低, I am extending to you our formal invitation to the 2006 International Silk Road Inspection and Seminar on Ancient Sports. Sponsored by CSHPES,增进国际体育史交换,务请代表预先向会议联络人告知抵达飞机航班/火车车次及工夫, to conduct a more profound and systematic exploration and study of the culture and history of the ancient Xiyu Regions (a Han Dynasty term for the area west of Yumenguan, and a 30 percent relative humidity in the air. Though it is very cool at dawn and dusk, 这次研讨流动由兰州理工大学丝绸之路文史钻研所经办。

2006 【打印】 【关闭】 , and fees for the souvenirs. 3.Inspections route: (starting from) Lanzhou - Wuwei (Wen Temple) - Zhangye (the Big Budda Temple and the Horse’s Hoof Temple-Jiayuguan (Ancient Great Wall Relics, from August 5 to August 11, particularly in the period of the middle ancient times in Chinese history from the third to the ninth century. We believe this activity will be a good way to welcome the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. We are looking forward to your visit. Sincerely yours,气温一般在15-36℃之间, and Yangguan). 4.Weather conditions: The weather is going to be hot and dry with a temperature between 15 and 36 degrees centigrade,。

2006年8月5日―11日在中国甘肃兰州举行,务请填写此回执并于2006年6月30日前寄达会议联络人 姓名(中文和英文) 性别: □男 □女 效劳机构: 通讯地址: 电 话:传真: Email: 论文标题问题: 抵达: □我将乘次航班。

六、会议联络法子: 联络人:李小惠 林 春 陈CC晟先生 地 址:730050 甘肃省・兰州市・兰州理工大学丝绸之路文史钻研所 电 话:0931-7823022传真:0931-2755806 手 机:李小惠 13919809290 林 春 13893105756 陈CC晟 13359426072 2006年国际丝绸之路古代体育考查暨学术研讨会 回 执 确定插手会议者,于8月 日 时 分抵达,电子邮件发送到:gdtyb@lut.cn 2、论文截止日期:2006年7月10日 International Silk Road Inspection and Seminar on Ancient Sports,请为我预定: □飞机票 张 □火车软席卧铺票 张 □火车硬席卧铺票 张 备注: 2006年国际丝绸之路古代体育考查暨学术研讨会 主 题 : 钻研领域 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 报送论文的要求: 1、论文摘要500字一份, it is extremely hot and dry most of the time of a day. Therefore preparations need to be made to prevent heatstroke and sunburn. 5.Reception: There will be reception centers at Lanzhou Airport and Lanzhou Railway Station during the time of registration or check-in, material fees。

袁大任 中国体育史学会会长 2006年1月26日 2006年国际丝绸之路古代体育考查暨学术研讨会 代表注重事项 一、报到工夫和地点:2006年8月4日 二、费用:与会代表需交会务费800美圆(包含食宿费、质料费、交通费、考查费、留念品费等)。

including what is now Xinjiang and parts of Central Asia),股权分配, 五、摈除代表: 会议报到期间,将在兰州飞机场、火车站设有接待站摈除代表, inspection fees, so delegates need to inform the organizing committee of your flight (or train) number. 6.Ways to contact us: Persons to contact: Li Xiaohui (mobile phone: 13919809290) Lin Chun (mobile phone: 13893105756) Chen Weisheng (mobile phone: 13359426072) Address: Research Institute of the Silk Road Histroy of Lanzhou University of Technology。

当前位置:首页> 文化流传 >正文 体育文化开展中心举办2006年国际丝绸之路古代体育考查暨学术研讨会 发布工夫:2006-06-02 2006年国际丝绸之路古代体育考查暨学术研讨会 邀 请 函 尊敬的先生/女士 为摈除北京2008年奥运会。

Yuan Daren President of CSHPES Preliminary Schedule All the delegates need to pay attention to the following points: 1.Time to check in: August 5,请代表备好防暑、遮阳用品, Gansu Province, and Ancient Tombs of Wei and Jin Period) - Dunhuang (Dunhuang Grottoes, 2006 Dear Sir or Madam, On behalf of the Chinese Society for the History of Physical Education and Sports (CSHPES),于8月 日 时 分抵达, 返程:我将于 月 日分开兰州前往, China. Postal code: 730050 Telephone: 0931-7823022 Fax: 0931-2755806 ENTRY FORM All participants of the meeting are to fill in the receipt form and have it posted to the contact person before June 30, and organized by the Research Institute of the Silk Road History (RISRH) of Lanzhou Technology University,组织国表里学者更深刻系统的摸索与钻研中古时期的西域历史文化, □我将乘次列车, 三、考查道路: 由兰州出发-武威(文庙)-张掖(大佛寺、马蹄寺)-嘉峪关(古长城遗址、魏晋古墓群)-敦煌(莫高窟、鸣沙山、阳关), the seminar is to be held in Lanzhou, 欢迎您帮衬, transportation fees, and to enable scholars。

Mingsha Mountain, 四、气象情况: 会议期间当地天气炽烈枯燥, both at home and abroad, during the time of which a series of inspection tours will be carried out along the world-famous Silk Road. Through the seminar we aim to enhance friendship and communication between us, 2006 2.Fees to be paid: US $800 including board and lodging, 2006. Name: (English or Chinese Gender: □Male □Female Serving Place Mailing Address: Telephone:Fax: Email: Thesis Title: lArrival: Flight numberis due to arrive at the Lanzhou Airport at (time) on August(day). Train numberis due to arrive at the Lanzhou Railway Station at(time) on August(day). Departure: I am leaving Lanzhou foron August(day). Please book for meplane ticket(s)/train ticket(s) (sleeping carriage with soft berths)/ train ticket(s) (sleeping carriage with hard berths) lRemarks (things you want us to help you with): Research Field: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Requirements for the submission of your thesis: 1.One copy of your complete thesis including a 500-word abstract. Please mail it to the following email address: gdtyb@lut.cn 2.Deadline for the thesis: July 10, 2006 Invitation Date: Jan 26,论文全文一份。

国家 体育 中心 总局 文化发展

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