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这一下难道是要把不合的传闻坐实 了吗?


当地时间12月25日,王室各成员纷纷亮相,到圣玛丽抹大拉教堂参加例年传统的圣诞节教堂礼拜活动,参加围观的还有一大帮吃瓜群众。我们一起看看Daily Mail 的视频吧~

▲Daily Mail


▲2018年王室一家人参加圣诞礼拜 (图PA)


但是外媒表示,这可能仅仅是大戏的开始 。。。

Her Royal Highness and Prince Charles allegedly made it clear that any rift between the two duchesses must be kept out of the public eye as they arrived together at the St Mary Magdalene Church.

女王殿下和查尔斯王子明确表示,两位公爵夫人在一起抵达圣玛丽抹大拉教堂时,绝对 不能在公众面前表现出任何分歧。

A source told The Sun: 'The Queen and Charles have allowed the situation to play out without overtly interfering — but they both made it clear that Christmas was for the whole family to really come together.

一位消息人士告诉《太阳报》:“虽然女王和查尔斯王子之前对两人不合传闻睁一只眼闭一只眼,但是两人明确表示圣诞节是全家团聚的日子。 ”

The Queen allegedly told Kate and pregnant Meghan to put their differences aside by the time they sat down to watch her speech along with the rest of the nation at 3pm on BBC.


▲The Daily Mail (下同)

女王一出手,画风连忙就不一样了啊 ~



The two appeared to take the advice on board as they were seen laughing and joking while photographers captured the pair walking towards the church.


但是想想过去12个月被曝光的事情,细心的吃瓜群众总觉得频繁的互动,亲昵的举止有些刻意 ~

@Goose1965 There's definitely something going on. You can tellit's all staged between Kate and Meghan and Harry looks in deep thought.

一看就知道不对劲,看Kate和Meghan之间的互动怎么看怎么别扭,像是演出来 。而哈里在旁边若有所思地望着。

@BBI3 Such a deliberate public relations move to have them both next to each other and all smiles.Why couldn't they just walk normally? It is not bad publicity to acknowledge that two women aren't the best of friends. Who says they HAVE to get along? It doesn't make them bad people if they just don't have anything in common.

她们俩真的需要走那么近吗?为什么不能正常行走? 为什么一定要让这两个没有共同点的女人做朋友?谁规定他们必须要处得来?

@YesLove Agree. That's a very patronizing move. If it were done in private, betKate would have moved away . But that was in public, and she couldn't very well flinch, it would be all on the cameras.

同意太作秀了,如果在私下里我觉凯特会走开 ,但是这是公众场合,一切都会被拍下来。

@Sulky1PR efforts made to include pics of Kate and Meghan exchanging words and looking cordial. Means nothing.

让凯特和梅根同框,还贴心的耳语,给PR加个鸡腿 。

@MBMCG There she goes again !!The touchy feelly hand on Catherine's back. Meagain is so creepy . So fake !!

看梅根又来作秀了,把爪子伸到了凯特的后背,好像很亲昵一样,好恶心太假了 !

@Angela Langton Why on earth cant Meghan walk without hanging on to Harry....looks pathetic !!!


两兄弟 也引起了注重

@Honesty-Best-Policy The brothers seem to lookmore apart then ever .

两兄弟看起来比以前要疏远 。

@April T The brothers seem distant today during the walk,very little eye contact and conversation.

他们分开走的,全程也没有对话和眼神交流 。

@ mt 265It looks like theydidn't get the memo !

看来是还没有收到女王的通知 !

▲Daily Mail

除了演技 两人的衣品 举止也被拎出来对比

红衣加身的凯特,正宫娘娘范儿 十足。


An ever-stylish Kate cut a classic figure in a red custom made Catherine Walker dress coat with a burgundy collar and matching hat, teamed with gold accessories, gloves and a red Bayswater clutch by Mulberry. She wore dark tights and modest red Gianvito Rossi heels, appearing to be continuing with a forties era style.

Her custom coat by Catherine Walker, estimated to be worth around C3,000, was reminiscent of her recent period fashion taste, seen frequently as she represents the royals.

外媒 必须 曝光 女王 凯特 下令 梅根 圣诞节 休战

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