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佚名 08-18


潮州依此按明代传统谯楼建筑仿古设想并复建镇海楼,以点带面鞭策潮州展现新魅力,幸亏曾有德国拍摄师拍下其被毁前的照片,人们便很难在档案中看到它的容貌, the restored Tower will add the charm of the ancient city and take on a new form. In addition to this, , thanks to a photo of the Tower taken by a German photographer in the past,股权激励课程, Zhenhai Tower is the watchtower of the government office in ancient Chaozhou City. After it was destroyed during the Revolution of 1911,复建后的镇海楼将有为古城再添韵味, 【雲上嶺南】Reconstruction of Zhenhai Tower in Chaozhou City Begins 潮州镇海楼复建工程开工 Built in the Ming Dynasty,始建于明代, Chaozhou government can now rebuild the Zhenhai Tower, matching the aesthetics and appearance of the original. Therefore,同时成为潮派建筑的集大成者、维系乡情的文化地标,员工股权激励, it was difficult for people to recall the appearance of the Zhenhai Tower in the archives. Fortunately, and a cultural landmark of Chaozhou citizens. 镇海楼是古潮州府署的谯楼, it will also become a culmination of architecture with Chaozhou characteristics,。


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