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小金 11-23
股权激励_股权方案_股权培训_股权激励培训 - 金榜咨询师收录“鍐滄潙鍖荤枟鍗敓鏀跨瓥钀藉疄鐨勫洶澧冦佸師鍥犱笌瀵圭瓥鈥斺斾互”,希望对您有所帮助,下面随小编一起来看下“鍐滄潙鍖荤枟鍗敓鏀跨瓥钀藉疄鐨勫洶澧冦佸師鍥犱笌瀵圭瓥鈥斺斾互”吧。


鎶曠鏃堕棿锛2016-11-17  淇鏃ユ湡锛2017-01-15  PDF鍏ㄦ枃娴忚  HTML鍏ㄦ枃娴忚  
鍗庝腑绉戞妧澶у涓浗涔℃潙娌荤悊鐮旂┒涓績 婀栧寳姝︽眽 430074  
鍏抽敭璇:鍐滄潙鍦板尯  鍗敓鏀跨瓥  鏀跨瓥鎵ц  涔¢晣鍗敓闄  

Why some rural health policies are difficult to be implemented in F counties: A case study of New Rural Cooperative Medical System and the Basic Public Health Policy  
TIAN Meng  
Research Center of China Rural Governance of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan Hubei 430074, China  
Abstract:Rural health policies are difficult to be implemented at the village level in China. From the perspective of health administrative departments and township health centers, this is due to the lack of the basic conditions of rural health policy and the basic ability of the rural health policy. But from the point of view of village doctors, this is because of the lack of personnel, funding and other embarrassing situations, especially due to crisis and risks are taken to the village clinics and village doctors by the township health centers. In fact, the main reason why the health policy is difficult to land at the village level is that the relationship between the township health centers and village clinics have not been rationalized, as can be specifically seen in weak position of village clinics compared with township health centers. The key to rationalize the relationship between the township health centers and village clinics is to strengthen the development capacity of village doctors, at the same time to get rid of the misunderstanding for village doctors in some of the thinking and policy and strengthen the accountability of primary authorities, and finally open up the relationship between the township health centers and village clinics.  
Key words:Rural areas  Health policy  Policy implementation  Township health center  
鎽樿鐐瑰嚮娆℃暟: 963    鍏ㄦ枃涓嬭浇娆℃暟: 5  




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