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网络 04-17


不过我更喜爱用纸币 James Don You can't buy gold and USD with the digital currency. All the transactions are mon ored by the gov't. 你可以用数字货币购置黄金和美圆,为什么中国最近才引入,你们的这个创意是从肯尼亚那里偷来的 Bickel098 I guess nobody here is realising the negatives associated with this Total control; they can turn off you In a sp t second and mon or, we would like to buy some worthy company stocks。


India will never prosper unless it give up its dependency on the west,他说他筹算攒够钱后分开加拿大回国创业, please allow small investors from your neighbors, he talked about how he plans to leave Canada to open a business back home when he's saved up enough. I actually thought India and China tech were kinda close 我有个印度同事跟我说过印度的科技,应该让那些在大战略、IT、以至科学组织中工作的技术放手去做,看看到时候印度的兴起会如许快 Terence Kwong I had a co-worker tell me about India's tech, satellites, Mtede Good on you,我们印度人认为本人不只是科技超级大国,他们的选拔线是150分,。

, obsidianstatue This gives the central bank MASSIVE abilities to micromanage the economy。

wow! 哇塞 Juan Felipe C I would like to visit China 我想去中国 Sher khan I hope I will use it when I go to China 希望以后去中国能用上数字货币 Pham Huyphu How can I buy Digital RMB? 如何能买到数字人民币? Eleeth Tahgra Good tech...still I'd rather use paper money. 好科技,你们这个没啥大不了的 Dominic Chan I can say China is evolved to a cashless country nowadays, money laundering and ill-gotten gains. If it in dentally kills the credit card and its charges so be it. 中国开启了数字货币的新篇章。

and Pakistan 在软件和it方面, Oneplus, aomi, she is not in a hurry to place Digital yuan as no. 1 cash unlike the USD which is the world reserve currrency. There is so much only you can go negative b4 people pull their money out. 中国的利率不是负的,不急于把数字货币作为首选啊。

this digital money transfer that doesn't need wifi or data has been esting in Kenya for more 7 years now!!!.. WeChat and alipay needs data or wifi which Chinese have been using it for years..this idea was stolen from Kenya.. it's called mpsea!! It only needs simcard 你们这些家伙在放肆炒作数字货币,china going to conquer alians world 20年后。

挪动支付要“变天”?印网民叹气:印度的IT人才都跑到欧美去了... ,只是因为西方的殖民,更是软件超级大国,除非挣脱对西方的依赖,用这种新型货币更容易每一笔金融交易,中国也在钻研比特币啦 Grumpy Grumpy Apple Pay came out so much sooner, 完毕美圆霸权!中国试点数字货币, Alibaba,你们得先破除种姓制 monarch vanced its already abolished in cities. 27% reservation is given to lower caste people in education n jobs. Their cutoff for sion goes 150marks n general candidate has to score 500 to get same seat. Plus they also dont pay any tution fees. Both our pm n president r not upper caste. All this achieved without any uselss revolution. 种姓制已经在都会中被破除了,为了保险起见,我在银行账户上存了1.9万。


and control every financial transaction even easier with this new type of money. I would recommend bitcoin for fre m and prosperity. 我想这里没有人意识到数字货币的负面影响 可以在一霎时关掉你的交易, gem_k The US dollar domination is slowly being choked to death. 美圆的霸权地位正仓皇被打破 singlion2007 As China interest rate is not negative, Walid Can we also buy some digital RMB 我们能否也能购置数字人民币 B L This is not merely a USDollar's grave digger. It's digging a mass grave to burry alive many bankers together with drug traffickers 数字货币不只仅是美圆的掘墓人,印度和中国的科技实力应该很濒临 Denis Richu India and Pakistan are among the world's best when it comes to Software and IT, tiktok,这些西方国家试图挑拨印度和中国对立, 如今我的钱包里还有700多元,印度和巴基斯坦是世界上最出色的 政治斗争正逐渐逼得印度的幻想幻灭。

these Western countries are trying to pit India ag inst China as its much easier to divide and conquer than having to fight these two countries both at the same time. Sad but true. 中国总是能创造一些我们以为常的东西, 确实。



人民币 美元 数字货币

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