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佚名 11-01

Issue 6 ,。

489 - 494 (2012) ; /content/article/0386-3603/40060/489 /content/article/0386-3603/40060/489 Data Media loading... /content/article/0386-3603/40060/489 ,dcterms_subject。

and this study was conducted to examine the natural immunity activating action of continued consumption of this food product in humans and to confirm its safety. Methods Twenty healthy individuals(8 men and 12 women with an average age of 57.5±11.6)consumed 20 mL of a broccoli extract(brolico)drink every day for 4 weeks. Samples of their blood were collected before and after consumption of the extract,股权激励培训, 16 subjects(6 men and 10 women with an average age of 58.2±10.8)were examined the effect of consumption of the extract. It was observed that through continued administration of the trial extract neutrophil phagocytic capacity and NK cell activity in the blood tended to increase. No serious side effects that could be thought of as having been caused by the trial extract were seen during the period of consumption. Conclusions The results of this trial suggest that continued consumption of this broccoli extract drink increases human natural immunity, and the activity of NK cells and other cells involved in immunity was measured. Results One subject stopped consuming the extract in the middle of trial because it was unpalatable for him. Four subjects could not come to the examination after consumption. Therefore,股权专家,股权激励方案, Abstract Objectives A broccoli extract processed food product has been shown to activate natural immunity in animals,pub_keyword -contentType:Contributor -contentType:Concept -contentType:Institution 6 3 Full text loading... ブロッコリー抽出加工食品(ブロリコ)の継続摂取によるヒトの自然免众所周知事賦活作用に関する試験 薬理と治療 Volume 40 , but randomized clinical trials on a larger number of subjects are now required. /content/article/0386-3603/40060/489 dcterms_title。

食品 抽出 リー ッコ ブロ 取に 続摂 の継 加工 リコ

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