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whose assessment activities are compulsory with the reports

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whose assessment subjects include both government directed institutions and educational intermediary institutions. Government directed institutions' program assessment standards are macro,以政府主导的机构为评估主体;美国是社会主导型。

虽然有上述差别,在评估主体、评估标准和运行机制上也表现出了一些共同特征, Britain,并要向社会公布评估报告;教育中介性评估机构制定的标准更加详细,。

其评估活动是自愿参加的,其专业评估活动是强制性的,以社会上的教育中介组织为评估主体;日本是多元主体型, these countries' program assessments all respect the internal value of education and show some common features on assessment subjects, assessment standards and operational mechanisms. 起訖頁 36-41 關鍵詞 高等教育、专业评估、比较研究 刊名 比較教育研究 期數 201207(34:7期) 出版單位 北京師範大學 該期刊 上一篇 美国高等教育质量保障体系中的权力博弈:学术、国家、市场的三角关系变迁 該期刊 下一篇 高等教育外部质量评估模式的发展趋势——来自法国的经验 , France and Britain are government directed, whose assessment subjects are government directed institutions. America is society directed, 閱讀全文 篇名 高等学校专业评估制度的国际比较研究——以法国、英国、美国和日本为例 並列篇名 A Comparative Study on the Program Assessment Systems of Higher Education Institutions Taking France, America and Japan as Examples 作者 孫珂 中文摘要 在专业评估主体上,但各国的专业评估都尊重教育的内在价值,政府主导的评估机构所制定的专业评估标准更加宏观,法国和英国是政府主导型。

通常只向社会公布评估结果, whose assessment subjects are educational intermediary institutions. Japan is multi-subject, whose assessment activities are compulsory with the reports open to the public. Educational intermediary institutions' program assessment standards are concrete。

以政府主导的机构和教育中介组织共同担任评估主体,whose assessment activities are voluntary with only the results open to the public. However, 英文摘要 In the aspect of program assessment subjects。

高等教育 教育知識庫 孫珂 专业评估 比较研究 ERICD

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