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聚宝盆资讯网收录“ 尊敬的威斯敏斯特副市长布卢瓦女士”,希望对您有所帮助,下面随小编一起来看下“ 尊敬的威斯敏斯特副市长布卢瓦女士”吧。

也成为中国艺术家们追随和表示的永久主题, First,展览的主题是“艺术和平”,中国美术家协会携良好作品来英举办这次展览、成长学术研讨,etc. These works showcase China's traditions and modernity,我谨对展览开幕暗示热烈恭喜。

and help them build consensus. They will display thecharm of the contemporary Chinese art to the British public. They willbridge the hearts of our two peoples and increase the friendship and mutualunderstanding. Finally,助力构建一个谐和、和平的世界, It gives me real pleasure to joinyou for the opening in London of the "Art Peace - An Exhibitionof Contemporary Chinese Art". This is part of the China Arts WorldTour. I would like to begin by extending my warm congratulations on theopening of the exhibition. I also want to thank the Mall Gallery forhosting this wonderful exhibition. 本次展览将初度向英国不雅观众展现北京国际美术双年展的中国当代艺术精品,也有助于推进中英人文交换, 女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen: 大家晚上好! Good Evening. 很高兴出席“艺术与和平-中国当代美术作品展”国际巡展英国站开幕式, 尊敬的英国摩尔美术馆董事莱斯特先生, 尊敬的威斯敏斯特副市长布卢瓦女士, the pursuitof peace, including ink painting,向英国不雅观众展示中国当代艺术的魅力。

14 August 2017 2017/08/14 尊敬的中国美术家协会主席刘大为先生, this exhibition emphasizes China'scommitment to building a community of shared future for mankind. It conveys a profoundreflection by Chinese artists and their aspiration for world peace anddevelopment. It is a worthwhileattempt at interpreting the tireless pursuit of humanity forlasting peace in the world.

艺术 和平 开幕式 美术 作品展

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