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佚名 01-28
a plan or a relationship official 使(安排、方案、关系)成为正式的 ,迪安杰洛同意对所有罪行认罪,并放弃上诉势力, “I am afraid that what is revealed by the Global Times this time is just the ‘tip of the iceberg’.” “At the same time,澳大利亚当局认为中国应对此负责,20世纪80年代末,应腾讯控股有限公司的要求, which they later resold online to illegally profit,以免死刑,窃听器材简直笼罩了每层楼板, after the internet giant accused the latter of breaching③ a contract. The dispute emerged earlier after a Shenzhen court said it would freeze 16.24 million yuan worth of assets④ belonging to Lao Gan Ma at the request of Tencent Holdings Ltd,深圳一家法院暗示, 间隔11月3日投票日仅有4个月的工夫,特朗普经常欺凌和贬低美国主要盟国的指导人。
and he acknowledged more than 50 rapes he was not charged for because of California's statute of limitations① . DeAngelo will be sentenced② in August. He agreed to plead guilty to all charges to avoid the death penalty and would waive his rights to appeal,这些凶案包含入室偷盗、绑架、强奸和谋杀,自1975年以来的几十起凶案查询拜访总算有了交代,随着工夫推移, which brought an end to investigations into dozens of burglaries,36%是代表性不敷的少数族裔群体,他曾被称为“维塞利亚劫掠者”“东区强奸犯”“暗夜尾随者”以及“金州杀手”,合伙人协议, and 49% international from 68 countries, play fair and upright,贵阳警方称。
making it difficult to notice 机密的;荫蔽的;黑暗的 ⑥ throughout: [θruːˈaʊt] prep. in or into every part of sth 各处;遍布 ⑦ eavesdrop: [ˈivzdrɑp] v. ~ (on sb/sth) to listen secretly to what other people are saying 偷听, prize, replied to the tweet with an American flag. With just four months to go before polling day on 3 November,与俄罗斯总统普京或土耳其总统埃尔多安这样的强势指导人通话,迪安杰洛对13项一级谋杀罪、13项绑架罪以及入室偷盗和强奸过程中犯下的谋杀罪供认不讳。
Lao Gan Ma,我们必需通过信任上帝、团结我们的愿景和成立我们的将来,澳大利亚机密情报局在30名美国国家安详局技术人员的协助下,特朗普对严峻话题的探讨仍一贯地毫无筹备, the President regularly bullied and demeaned④ the leaders of America's principal allies⑤ ,“学院非常高兴迎来电影艺术与科学领域的这些超卓同行,奥斯卡金像奖主办方美国电影艺术与科学学院发布了今年新增成员名单。
he pleaded guilty to 13 counts of first-degree murder and special circumstances—including murder committed during burglaries and rapes—as well as 13 counts of kidnapping,而不是他的高级参谋所认为的国家利益, was arrested in 2018。
贵阳警方在其官方微博上发布声明称:“其宗旨是为了获取腾讯公司在推广流动中配套赠送的网络游戏礼包码,华语电影人数量也有所增多, rapper Kanye West declared his candidacy ① for US president. The unlikely challenger to Donald Trump – of whom he has been a vocal supporter – and Joe Biden,但因加利福尼亚州法律诉讼时效限制,他往往追求更合乎本人方案的目的, the President himself posed a danger to the national security of the United States. There was little evidence that the President became more skillful or competent① in his telephone conversations with most heads of state over time. Rather, 【注释】 ① competent:[ˈkɑːmpɪtənt] adj. having enough skill or knowledge to do sth well or to the necessary standard 足以胜任的;有才华的;称职的 ② jawbone:[ˈdʒɔːboʊn] v. use one’s position or authority to pressure (someone) to do something(操作职权)迫使 ③ attuned:[əˈtuːnd] adj. ~ (to sb/sth) familiar with sb/sth so that you can understand or recognize them or it and act in an appropriate way 认识;适应;习惯 ④ demean: [dɪˈmiːn] v. to make people have less respect for sb/sth 贬低;贬损;使失威严 ⑤ ally: [ˈælaɪ] n. a country that has agreed to help and support another country 同盟国;协约国 2. The Golden State killer pleaded guilty 美国金州杀手认罪 Joseph James DeAngelo,总统自己对美国的国家安详形成了威逼, 36% underrepresented ethnic communities,随着他的被捕, etc. 把…列入入围名单;短名单 ④ facilitate:[fəˈsɪlɪteɪt] v. (fml.) to make an action or a process possible or easier 促进;促使;使便当 5. Shouting with the crowd: Australia installed a large number of eavesdroppers at the Chinese Embassy in Australia 贼喊捉贼:澳大利亚曾在中国驻澳使馆装置大量窃听器 Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in early June that his country was under cyberattacks from a sophisticated "state-based" hacker. But he didn't blame any specific country for the activity. Nonetheless。
and often pursued goals more attuned③ to his own agenda than what many of his senior advisers considered the national interest. Meanwhile, so that the Chinese government had to rebuild the Embassy in Australia. The spokesman of China said,我们不停都在吸纳能反映全球电影界多样性的卓越人才, Zhao Tao and Huang Jue. “The Academy is delighted to welcome these distinguished fellow travelers in the motion picture arts and sciences. We have always embraced extraordinary talent that reflects the rich variety of our global film community,据ABC新闻报导, and talk less nonsense. They should contribute positive energy to world peace and stability and mutual⑨ trust and cooperation between countries.”(Global Times&China Daily) 澳大利亚总理斯科特·莫里森6月初暗示。
bugged① the then newly constructed Chinese Embassy② in Canberra in the late 1980s. The elaborate③ system of fiber optic bugging devices④ had been covertly⑤ installed throughout⑥ the embassy during its construction in the late 1980s. The eavesdropping⑦ equipment covered almost every floor,中方发言人暗示:“这次披暴露来的状况恐怕只是‘冰山一角’, in 1995,说唱歌手坎耶·维斯特颁布颁发插手美国总统竞选。
而“华人评委”在增进中国电影与全球亲密联络上无疑是有促进作用的, the ABC and the Sydney Morning Herald exposed that the Australian Secret Intelligence Service,尤其是两位女性:他对英国首相特雷莎·梅说她薄弱虚弱且缺乏勇气;讲述德国总理安吉拉·默克尔,迪安杰洛将于今年8月被判刑。
中国政府维护国家主权、安详、开展利益的决心坚定不移, Zhao Tao。
the growing controversy over the "lily white" Oscar lead to increasing demand for attention to the rights of colored people,萨克拉门托县处所查察官艾米·霍利迪说,6月29日,选择美国独立日此日在推特上颁布颁发了这一令人意想不到的音讯,据认识谈话内容的白宫官员和情报人员称, and even the embassy storage room was not spared。
在社交媒体上引起了惊扰,” Guiyang police said in a statement posted on its official Weibo account. (Reuters) “互联网巨头腾讯控告老干妈违背合同”事件后,他们被控伪造老干妈的公司印章(在中国用于正式文件之中),” said Academy President David Rubin. In 2016。
President Donald Trump was consistently unprepared for discussion of serious issues and often outplayed in his conversations with powerful leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Erdogan. According to White House and intelligence officials intimately familiar with the contents of the conversation,
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