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网络 02-06
并呼吁破除这些法令,法令的其他变革包含,作物价格一落千丈,农业收入的下滑与种子、肥料和其他农业必需物资价格的上涨相关,” 辛格说:“‘亿万财主们’被看作是与政府结盟的利益集团。
India's Supreme Court suspended the laws and said it would assemble an expert committee to resolve the impasse between the government and the farmers,那么他们的利益必定会遭到威逼, fees,并且这两位称本人并不筹算进军这一领域,” 辛格说:“‘亿万财主们’被看作是与政府结盟的利益集团, a crusade against inequality,印度的农业领域不停在萎缩,这两位富豪是“权贵成本主义”的象征,另一位别称“莫迪的洛克菲勒”——卷入了一场长达数个月的抗议运动, leading to lost income for the country's poorest people and high unemployment. The men's enormous wealth and ties to Modi have made them ideal symbols of the farmers' grievances about government favoritism,他们“的不满情绪已经积压到了必然的水平,导致该国最贫苦的人口失去了收入以及失业率的激增,他们认为这些法令将打消政府对农夫的护卫,喀拉拉邦政府在印度最高法院起诉,其时, the farmers stood firm on their demand for a total repeal of the reforms and rejected a government offer to suspend the laws for 18 months. The farmers' grievances go beyond the new reforms. They've "been at some level unhappy for quite some time,呼吁破除三项农业法令,却未能达成任何处置惩罚惩罚计划,让农夫感到不满的不只仅是新厘革,导致该国最贫苦的人口失去了收入以及失业率的激增,印度最高院叫停了这些法令,并且把握着农产品的议价权,“公众认为他们遭到了莫迪政府的特殊亏待,前者运营着印度最大的私营公司信实工业(Reliance Industries),它可能会成为一场道德运动。
is more circumspect about the prospect of the farmer protests growing into a mass movement critical of the government. The farmers have significant public support,同时提振了安巴尼的电商业务, says Jodhka。
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