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网络 02-08

judicial intervention and intervention model. Some good results have been achieved. 起訖頁 086-091 關鍵詞 美国、校园安详、零容忍政策、学生惩戒、zero tolerance in American Schools、Connotation、problems、Changes 刊名 比較教育钻研 期數 201403(36:3期) 出版單位 北京師範大學 該期刊 上一篇 追求基于成果的公平:英国教育公平与平衡政策剖析 該期刊 下一篇 美国对老师骚扰未成年女生案件的查询拜访与办理 ,criminalization and deterring have infringed upon students' right to receive education,flexibility,导致了过多的未成年人流入监狱。

impaired the adolescents' growth,。

one size fits all,violated the fairness Principle,harsh,获得了较好的效果,倒霉于青少年的安康发展,led to an increasing number of minors into the prison and failed to live up to the policy intention of correcting students' bad behavior and achieving campus security. Zero tolerance policy in many American schools has been quietly changed in the scope of application, 閱讀全文 篇名 美国学校零容忍政策:涵义、问题及变革 並列篇名 The Connotation%2C Problems and Changes of Zero Tolerance Policy in American Schools 作者 张俊友 中文摘要 零容忍政策曾经是美国大都学校应对校园安详问题的纪律惩罚政策, 英文摘要 Zero tolerance policy was once disciplinary policy for students to deal with campus security problem in most American schools. The exclusion,无奈实现矫正学生不良行为从而到达校园安详的政策用意,股权分配,违犯了处罚的公平性,许多美国学校的零容忍政策已经在适用范围、后续弥补、灵敏性、司法介入、干预形式等方面悄悄发生了变革,零容忍政策的排斥性、严苛性、一刀切、刑事化、威慑性等惩罚特点。

subsequent remedy,损害了受惩罚学生的受教育权。

美国 校园安全 校园安详 张俊友 零容忍政策 学生惩戒 zero to

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