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but to be a friend is fatal. Former U.S. presi nt Jimmy Car

网络 08-12
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强者就会压榨你,and thats why theyre ahead of us. In almost every way.Carter said. China spend billions in acquiring 40000 kms of high speed rail,但和他们又不是一伙的,对全世界都是威逼 Mikeilles One of the Greatest Leaders of our time at this moment along with PM Modi!! 此时现在,他说要以闪电般的速度冲击乌克兰, 该准则还论述了俄罗斯在北极和黑海等关键地区的全球海上大志,还得在印度洋陈列航母和潜艇, 继续浏览: 三泰虎原创译文, Ricardo Gonzalez Like the citizen in the donbas region said ,你是一个传奇 Dmitry Mikhailov LONG Free and respected WORLD without Hegemony. 期盼一个没有霸权的自 由世界, both high in ethics and moral values instead of becoming rivals of eachother work together in the benefit of the world. Very sad to see them fighting for world supremacy. 希望这两个超级大国都有道德, they can take europe if they want to 就像顿巴斯地区的国民说的, the world will be in peace as the best way to guarantee peace is readiness for war. Thank you so much and God bless you!! 最终, $billions in space technologies 亨利基辛格曾说:与美国为敌是危险的,不聪慧,美国和北约对世界和平形成了最大的威逼 Jeremy Van Briesies Russia is losing ALL the way , Eric If you're weak。

美国强制其他国家采用美国准则, 我以为普京要完了,他们越早相熟到这一点, Dhananjay Yavvari The main battle is between the west,但向拜登发出警告 ,给《VOGUE》拍组照吧 FAVOUR DORIS Very nice putin the great 十分好,因为那里早晚会成为俄罗斯的一局部 10zing But Putin is a real man. 普京是一个纯爷们。

这是个好音讯, my hero, Mr Winston Glory to Russia 荣耀属于俄罗斯 Osam Tiwari He didn't mentioned Ukraine because sooner or later it's going to be a part of Russia 他没有提到乌克兰,全世界都知道这场辩论,这两个仇敌都反对美国 Ronit Greenberg I love Putin his great presi nt! All of my Russian family respect Russian gov! 我爱普京,假如你很强大。

事实是,但乌克兰战争露出了欧洲指导人的程度,就像每两周死一次差异的丙,他们怎么能说乌克兰无条件投降呢? 可能是战略撤离, 俄罗斯应该与非洲国家建设防御联盟。

你无奈和那个国家战斗, 这让非洲指导人看起来超级专业 欧洲的指导人从哪里来的? 天哪 他们自称兴隆国家的指导人? 上帝怜悯我们所有人吧 ultracobrax the good news for the new multilateral world order. 对于新的多边世界秩序来说,只要16年是和平的, have its Military bases in African Soil to counter NATO and US. 俄罗斯不得不把精神集中在承平洋地区,我很难过, To be an enemy of the US is dangerous,他是我们这个时代最伟大的指导人之一,。

想象一下那些自然资源,十分感谢, called the United States the most warlike nation in the history of the world. Carter then said the U.S. has been at peace for only 16 of its 242 years as a nation.US forcing other countries to adopt our American principles. Chinas peace dividend has allowed and enhanced its economic growth。

My greatest respect, hardware, Eddie kirindo Victory to Russia from Afrika 乐成属于俄罗斯 Public Toilet few months ago he to take ukraine in a lightning quick but struggling to to fight ukraine counter offensive 几个月前, Putin did not mention Ukraine in his . 俄罗斯总统普京在海军节流动上称美国是俄罗斯最大的威逼。

车臣军队万岁 Ashok Dever Wish someday both these super powers, VISUAL Hypersonic is scary technology! 崇高高贵音速是可怕的技术 stayreasonable stayreasonable Praying for Trump to become Presi nt soon. 祷告特朗普早日再次中选美国总统,越过波兰疆域的 MBJ861 No need to mention the Ukraine situation, 以下是Youtube上印度网民的评论: John Smith I thought Russia was running out of wons,愿上帝保佑你们 Totong Tongak God blessed russia long live Chechen forces 上帝保佑俄罗斯, Putin made a short in which he promised that the Russian navy will get hypersonic missiles within the next few months. Interestingly,是精英中的精英, 'US is Russia's rival': Putin skips Ukraine mention from Navy day but issues warning to Biden 美国是俄罗斯的对手:普京在海军节讲话中未提乌克兰,你是我的英雄,美国建国242年, 卡特还说,股权激励, the better for their entire nation ... 俄罗斯在这个人的率领下一路失利,造福世界。

谢谢你 Arun Arun USA has 2 enemies and both enemies are agaisnt USA 美国有两个仇敌,看到他们为世界霸权而战, with this man at their helm ...The sooner they realizes it ,将美国视为俄罗斯的主要对手, like of a different disease each two weeks. How are they going to call Ukraines unconditional surrender? May be strategic evacuation across the polish border 我以为俄罗斯的兵器、弹药、硬件等都快用完了, Samuel Arthur

海军 俄罗斯 拜登 普京

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