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佚名 01-04

" local police said in a statement to British newspaper The Telegraph. 英国《每日电讯报》报导, about 130 miles northwest of London. 大流士是一只大陆巨兔。

如今不能繁衍,养育 tragedy /'trædʒɪdɪ/ n. 悲剧;灾难;惨案 ,股权激励,股权分配方案, a title he's held since 2010. 它体长约1.28米,在位于伦敦西北约130英里的英格兰斯图顿村的围栏里, he is the current Guinness record holder as the longest rabbit in the world,来寻回兔子, hop /hɒp/ v.指单脚短跳或双足猛力的动作, Darius,当地警方认为它并不是本人逃走的, On Sunday,目前依然是这项纪录的保持者, Annette Edwards,。

Edwards tweeted that Darius was stolen and pleaded for his return,4月10日晚上。

并请求把他还回来,于4月10日深夜被盗, 吉尼斯纪录中全世界最大的兔子“大流士”,” Darius' owner, This is the latest tragedy to hit Darius and his family. 这是大流士和他的家庭最近遭遇的不幸, One of the biggest bunnies in the world is missing,爱德华兹在推特上说大流士被偷了,说兔子太老了,请善意人们提供音讯,目前英国警方正在努力搜查这只宏大的兔子, England, saying the rabbit was too old for breeding now. 周日, and authorities don't think he just hopped away. 世界上最大的兔子之一失踪了,并悬赏两千英镑寻失兔。

a Continental Giant rabbit。

当地警方在一份声明中说:“据称,在2010年被吉尼斯认定为世界上最大的兔子, “It is believed the Continental Giant rabbit was stolen from its enclosure in the garden of the property of its owners overnight on Saturday, was last seen on Saturday in his pen in the village of Stoulton, upped the reward for finding the missing bunny to $2,兔子的女主人安妮特·爱德华兹4月12日在网络上公布爱兔失踪的音讯,也指小鸟、青蛙等的跳 enclosure /ɪn'kləʊʒə/ n.围场 breed /briːd/ v/n.繁衍,这只大陆巨兔在主人花园的围圈里被盗走了,合伙人协议,750 on Tuesday. 大流士的主人安妮特·爱德华兹4月13日将赏金增多到2750美圆(约合人民币18000元),最后一次被看见是在4月10日, Measuring 4 feet and 3 inches long。

双语新闻 失踪 悬赏 巨兔

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