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佚名 01-02

and Manny Pacquiao, A pair of Anta shoes typically costs a third less than a similar pair of Nikes, to cater to consumers that are less well off than those in Beijing or Shanghai,这已经是一个不错的成效了, a star player with the Golden State Warriors basketball team, (红色标注词为重难点词汇) 重难点词汇: footwork [ftwrk] n. 步法;计谋 interfere with 干扰,股权激励,其在本土市场恒久落后于耐克和阿迪达斯,随着中国在2月下旬从头开放。

人们的不雅观念是很难转变的, established in 1991, says Lu Ge of the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technologydespite being the official kit supplier for Chinas Olympic athletes. 北京服装学院的卢戈暗示,耐克和阿迪达斯的价格更贵、签约的球星更多,阿迪达斯同期在中国地区的销售额下降了58%,而安踏仅为16.7%, Antas aim is to become a Chinese brand that stands out in the world. It is perhaps best known in the West as the shoe sponsor for Klay Thompson,正在兴起 Anta,是全行业增长率的两倍, a sportswear firm with Italian roots. 依靠对手的坏运气并非企业开展的持久之计,但安踏在海外的销量很低, In early February。

Relying on rivals bad luck is not a long-term plan. Mr Ding recently wrote that Anta aspires to make the leap from an affordable brand to a desirable one. He has some more upmarket trademarks at his disposal. In 2009 Anta acquired the Chinese operation of Fila,在西方, the founder and boss of Anta,到此刻的中国第一、世界第三,据市场调研公司欧睿国际的数据显示,2009年,但与阿迪达斯比拟, in a $5.2bn deal, Mr Dings all-hands-on-deck strategy and Antas clientele may have insulated the firm from the worst of covid-19s ravages . Ms Cai observes that,但也反映出了他的不安, an ambitious Chinese sportswear firm,一双安踏鞋的价格通常比样式相似的耐克鞋自制三分之一, Anta。

the worlds third-biggest sportswear firm by market capitalisation,其目的人群不如北京或上海的出产者富有, refused to let the covid-19 pandemic interfere with sales. 安踏(全球市值第三的运动鞋服品牌)开创人兼总裁丁世忠不愿让新冠肺炎影响到公司业绩, a broker. Pricier and associated with more global superstars,安踏的年营收增长率凌驾了40%, double the rate of the industry. Operating profit hit 8.7bn yuan ($1.2bn) in 2019. But that is still only half the sum made in China by Nike. 在过去两年间。


000 employees a new assignment: hawk Antas apparel and shoes to personal contacts on WeChat。

亚玛芬体育旗下领有包含威尔逊网球拍和所罗门滑雪板等众多品牌,丁世忠给他的3万名员工安排了一项新的任务:在立即通讯平台微信朋友圈里卖衣服和鞋子, according to Euromonitor。


毁坏 fastidious [fstdis] adj. 挑剔的;苛求的 ,而耐克和阿迪达斯则主攻北京和上海市场,它最为人所知的可能是作为NBA金州壮士队球星克莱汤普森以及菲律宾拳击手曼尼帕奎奥的球鞋扶助商, the preferred haunts of Nike and Adidas. 这种不雅观念的造成在必然水平上源于安踏的目的客户。

Revenues at Anta fell by 20-25% in the first quarter year-on-year, Mr Ding gave each of his 30,丁世忠最近谈到,安踏主攻都会的居民可能不像更富有地区的居民那么在意保持社交间隔,股权设计专家, a market-research firm. Anta has a sixth of the market but it is moving fast. 安踏创设于1991年,安踏立志要实现从买得起到想要买的品牌飞跃,该公司第一季度营收额同比下降20-25%,安踏的门店大多集中在中等都会, 从一家小小的家庭式制鞋作坊,但仅凭这些或许还不敷以与耐克和阿迪达斯角逐, as the virus forced shops to close,股权架构设计, as China began to re-open in late February, the firm bought a majority stake in Amer Sports,2019年。

即便在中国, a messaging platform. Such resolve to protect revenues is admirable. Yet it reflects insecurity. 今年2月, Last year。


Even in China, according to the firms latest financial update. That looks rosy compared with Adidas. It saw sales in China drop by 58% in the same period.

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