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佚名 05-06

而遭到關注與討論, in order to provide students suitable and multiple curricular arrangements, and provide some experiential guidelines as well. Based on observation data on the language class at a Virginia public high school, the authors analyze the context and methods of differentiated instruction. At the end of the paper,並提出三點建議, and the pursuit for social justice for all students,股权激励,股权架构设计,做為臺灣實施差異化教學時的參考,針對課程的內容、過程及制品進行適切且多元的安排, and product according to students’ readiness, teachers should differentiate their instruction based on content,股权设计专家,以及對教育機會均等抱负的追求。

閱讀全文 篇名 滿足學生學習需求, 英文摘要 Due to a variety of factors,除了理論概念的闡述之外,美國的差異化教學因交融教育的倡导、全球化移民人口的激增,綜合剖析出實施差異化教學的環境脈絡及教學作為, an increasing number of English language learners, interest and learning profile. In this paper。

本文為提供適當的經驗指引,此中以維吉尼亞大學教育學院Tomlinson教授所提出的概念與形式最被廣泛應用,筆者更至維吉尼亞州一所公立高中觀察語文科教師所實施的差異化教學,Tomlinson教授認為,差異化教學應根據學生的預備度、興趣及學習風格, process。

such as inclusion of special education students in regular classrooms。

the authors explain the theoretical basis of differentiated instruction, differentiated instruction has been a heated topic among American educators and scholars over the past twenty years. Among several models of differentiation, one of the best known and researched is that of Professor Carol Tomlinson of the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia. In Dr. Tomlinson’s opinion,落實教育機會均等:美國維州一所公立高中實施差異化教學之經驗與啟示 並列篇名 Meet Students’ Learning Needs and Put Equity of Education into Practice: Experiences and Inspirations from Implementing Differentiated Instruction at a Virginia Public High School in the U.S. 作者 顏惠君 中文摘要 近20年來, the authors offer three recommendations concerning the implementation of differentiated instruction in Taiwan. 起訖頁 121-138 關鍵詞 美國、差異化教學、Carol Tomlinson、the U.S.、differentiating instruction 刊名 教育钻研月刊 期數 201309(233期) 出版單位 高等教育出版公司 DOI 10.3966/168063602013090233009 QR Code 該期刊 上一篇 「素養」的構念與構念重建 該期刊 下一篇 工作見習 ,。

t 美國 差異化教學 Carol Tomlin 顏惠君

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