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佚名 03-01聚宝盆资讯网收录“莫迪就乌克兰问题与普京通话,呼吁“进行暴力””,希望对您有所帮助,下面随小编一起来看下“莫迪就乌克兰问题与普京通话,呼吁“进行暴力””吧。
PM Modi speaks to Putin on Ukraine; Calls for 'cessation of violence',俄罗斯在艰难时期撑持过印度, Kaval Singh He should hold Modi's hand while talking to him about the S400 payment problems 在和莫迪议论S400导弹系统的付款问题时,而俄罗斯不停撑持印度 PIYADASI Best way to stop a war is to always always be ready for one to deter the other side who said Ukraine to dismantle there nuclear arsenal. 止战的最好方法是一方能威慑到另一方, we must be neutral in this conflict. 这只是例行公事, , 克里姆林宫暗示,并针对威逼制定强势的战术和战略,the whole world will repeat history and our own INDIA would also become a prey of some stronger countries 你们大大都人都站在俄罗斯一边,却在被强权政治所摧毁,希望乌克兰的布衣坦然无恙 Rudraksh
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