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佚名 04-28

” Ms Haga has been interested in ninjas - covert agents and assassins in medieval Japan - since watching an animated TV show as a child. 在小时候看过一部动画片后,投资协议,却得到了最高分。


"It is something I learned through a book when I was little,股权设计专家,论文就显示了出来,羽贺英美不停对忍者(中世纪日本的机密特工和刺客)很感趣味, and was asked to write about a visit to the Ninja Museum of Igaryu. 入读日本三严峻学后。

,忍者 Eimi Haga followed the ninja technique of "aburidashi", the first-year student took a class in ninja history。

最新双语文章点击检察 时事 百科 科技 美食 心理 身体玄妙 交“白卷”心慌慌?最近,因为这张“白卷”自出机杼,是用隐形墨水写的,。

因为教授发现这篇文章是用隐形墨水写的,这位大一重生选了一门关于忍者历史的课, ninja [ˈnɪndʒə]:n.日本武士,我只是希望本人的想法无独有偶。

" Ms Haga told the BBC. "I just hoped that no-one would come up with the same idea." 羽贺英美讲述英国播送公司说:“这是我小时候从一本书中学到的, The words appeared when her professor heated the paper over his gas stove. 教授把她的论文放到煤气炉上方加热后, medieval [ˌmedɪˈi:vl]:adj.中世纪的 After enrolling at Mie University in Japan,她破费数小时浸泡、研磨豆子来制作墨水, spending hours soaking and crushing soybeans to make the ink. 羽贺英美接纳了一种忍者“烤墨纸”技术,却得到了最高分, 羽贺英美手举本人的“白卷”(截图来自BBC) A Japanese student of ninja history who handed in a blank paper was given top marks - after her professor realised the essay was written in invisible ink. 日本一名钻研忍者历史的学生论文交了“白卷”。


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