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佚名 01-20
化学反馈 ,电视不雅观众,除外 prep. conj. passive['pæsiv]adj. 被动的, because the emphasis is on action rather than on language or character development. Still,预言, and even that can be given you by the movie. Some movie plots are so simple,反作用力, you’re a passive viewer. The movie isgiving you everything. Nothing comes from you except your reaction to what you’re seeing, going to the movies is a great community experience. Sitting in a large theater with a lotof other people is fun. You experience the same reactions to what you’re seeing together. Reading is a one-person experience. It’s a chance to go into an imaginary world by yourself. Both experiences can be fun and rewarding, you can predictwhat’s going to happen before it does. Reading fiction also develops your storytelling skills. The more reading you do,股权设计专家, the better youbecome at creating plots and characters. The plots and characters in movies are often verysimple, such as novels and short stories,团体。
but I think reading fiction is more enjoyable. 重点单词 全副解释 statement['steitmənt]n. 声明, 点击检察》》2021考研英语作文范文汇总 Topic(标题问题): 100 Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? Reading fiction (such asnovels and short stories) is more enjoyablethan watching movies. Use specific reasons andexamples to explain your position. Model Essay(范文): Reading fiction, because you’re seeing them on a largescreen in a dark room. The images you “see” in a novel are only as strong as your ownimagination. But the more you read,陈说 except[ik'sept]vt. 除。
虚构的 vivid['vivid]adj. 生动的,悲观的 n. 被动性 community[kə'mju:niti]n. 社区,预告,社会,投资协议,鲜艳的,不雅察看器 imaginative[i'mædʒinətiv]adj. 富于想象力的 imaginary[i'mædʒinəri]adj. 想象的,栩栩如生的 predict[pri'dikt]v. 预知, the stronger your imagination becomes. Reading exerciseyour imaginative powers. Watching a movie dulls them. Imagination like a muscle needs to beused. Otherwise it can disappear. When you read, you’re an active participant in your own enjoyment. That’s one reason readingdevelops the imagination. You’re reading the words on the page and translating them intoimages in your mind. When you’re watching a movie,猜度 reaction[ri'ækʃən]n. 反馈,独特体,公众,[生]群落 viewer['vju:ə]n. 不雅观看者, is more enjoyable than watching a movie. Ofcourse the images in a movie are much more vivid,。
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