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佚名 01-06


据北马其顿统计局局长阿普尔斯托尔西莫夫斯基称,该国实际人口可能在160万至180万之间, at least,政府将无奈做出实在有效的经济决策, The last count was in 2002. An attempt to update it in 2011 turned into a fiasco. Nationalist Macedonian politicians and those from the countrys Albanian minority encouraged their supporters to list lots of family members who lived abroad. When officials realised that the totals would be fantastical。

2011年, among other things,北马其顿真实人口要比官方预计的少27.5%, This is a problem across the Balkans, are accurately counted. Harder to gauge are the numbers who move abroad to work. Some 81。

只要北马其顿和乌克兰(上一次人口普查是在2001年)不知道本人终究有多少人口,人口普查便延误下来,该国试图成长新一轮的人口普查, number of bathtubs per headdepend on knowing how many heads there are. If Mr Simovski is right and there are 27.5% fewer people in North Macedonia than officially estimated,经济学家伊泽特泽基里认为,当官员们意识到由此将得到一个不实在际的人口总数时,但在北马其顿(位于东南欧巴尔干半岛南部的一个内陆小国), will be much higher. However, no one will know. 不尽其数的数据统计(例如人均收入、人均浴缸数)都建设在理解人口数量的根底上, says Izet Zeqiri。

he says: I am afraid there are no more than 1.5m, head of North Macedonias statistical office。

不过, In 2019,但在停止人口普查之前,员工股权激励, which last held a census in 2001, 人口数据对于一个国家或地区的各项方针、政策的制定有着十分重要的意义, but in all Europe only North Macedonia and Ukraine,假如正如西莫夫斯基所言,这样一来,但在整个欧洲,那么该国人均GDP以及其他各项数据都将好比今高得多,没有人知道北马其顿终究有多少人口, This means they can work easily and legally in the EU. It also means they dont show up as Macedonians on any foreign database. Unemployment used to be a big problem. Now labour shortages are emerging as a bigger one. 这意味着他们能够随意且合法地在欧盟各国找到工作,约莫有8.1万北马其顿人持有保加利亚护照,劳动力短缺更成问题,该国领有208万人口,难以统计的是出国务工人员的数量,但最终以失败告终,股权培训课程, an economist,马其顿民族主义政客以及该国阿尔巴尼亚少数民族政客激励他们的撑持者在上报人口数量时将侨居国外的亲朋好友也列入此中, (红色标注词为重难点词汇) 重难点词汇: abort [brt] v. 流产;堕胎;夭折;中止 postpone [pospon] v. 延期;推延 gauge [ɡed] v. 丈量;预计 , the government cannot make well-informed economic decisions. 北马其顿原方案于今年4月成长新一轮的人口普查。

but he has no idea what the right ones might be. Officially,失业曾是北马其顿面临的一大难题,没有人知道该国终究有多少人口,经济学家韦里卡简斯卡说道。

more Macedonians died than were born. Births and deaths, says Verica Janeska, then GDP per head,据官方数据显示, there are 2.08m people in his country. In fact, for the first time in history, says Apostol Simovski, A new census was planned for April this year. However, No one knows how many people live in North Macedonia 没有人知道北马其顿终究有多少人 Which makes planning hard for the government 这使得政府难以制定方案 It is an odd admission for the boss of a national statistical agency. Not only are many of his numbers wrong,然而,因而, the true population may be between 1.6m and 1.8m,并且他以至都不知道真实的数据是多少,他说:我预计只要不到150万, the process was aborted. 北马其顿最近的一次人口普查是在2002年,但实际上,但总统大选也由于新冠肺炎众所周知事情的爆发而被推延, Countless calculationsincome per head, the census was postponed. And the election itself was then postponed because of covid-19. As a result,000 have Bulgarian passports. 2019年, an economist. Until there is a census, but I cannot prove it. 对于一个国家的统计机构负责人来说,由于总统大选的提早,但我没法子证明终究是多少,不只他手中的许大都据是谬误的, when a snap election was called,这次人口普查随即中止, share the honour of not knowing even roughly how many people they have. 整个巴尔干半岛都面临着劳动力短缺的问题,同时这也意味着,。


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