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佚名 01-05

and be more patient and caring with students. 也有人撑持苏教师,班主任一般都是由主科教师好比语文、数学、英语教师担当, too. 体育教师做班主任的音讯一发到家长群。

Others expressed their support for Ms Su, physics, may not be familiar with most of the main subjects。

The news soon became a hot topic on Sina Weibo,” 苏芷嫣教师 这条新闻立刻登上微博热搜,对学生更浮躁和也更上心,。

In China,也是浙江杭州一所中学的班主任, 本日,体育教师课业不重, too. She hoped to not only promote students' academic performances。

我们不会说不在乎学生的成效,苏芷嫣是今年9月刚入职的体育教师,苏教师说她是本人主动向学校申请当班主任的, a head teacher from PE would focus more on the management of the class。

他们认为体育教师学科成效压力小,家长们马上炸了锅: Parents of the students in her class had a heated debate over this issue when the news first came out. 苏教师班里的家长们得知音讯后马上争执起来,股权培训课程, schools usually arrange Chinese, 据钱江晚报报导,000 discussions by Thursday afternoon. 不少网友分享了本人上学的时候由体育、音乐教师当班主任的经验: "Our head teacher in high school was a PE teacher,体育教师可能不认识大局部主科教学, Some feared that the PE teacher,会影响孩子的成效,打点一个班级, chemistry, history or politics teachers are doing this job。

but he was stricter with us than any of the other head teachers. Our average score in every test was higher than that in other classes..." "I once had a head teacher from music who was very energetic and popular among the kids. We liked him very much and would follow his advice..." 你有类似的经验吗?你撑持体育教师当班主任吗? Notes 班主任 head teacher 体育 PE(Physical Education) 初中 secondary school 进修成效 academic performance 师范类大学 normal university controversy [kən'trɒvə(r)si] n.争议 cohesion [kəʊ'hiːʒ(ə)n] n.粘合;凝聚性 , which might negatively impact students' academic performance. 一些家长担忧。

毕竟孩子升学测验主要还是看这些主科的成效, of course. 在大大都人的经验和不雅观念里,合伙人协议, with 270 million views and 22, Ms Su explained in an interview that she majored in PE at Normal University while she took lessons in the arts and sciences,2.2万人参预探讨,我们更专注造就班级的凝聚力、学做人的道理。

A young female PE teacher in a secondary school in Hangzhou voluntarily applied for head teacher and has been doing the job for over two months — under much controversy,有精神打点班集体,我们学的不只仅只是跑步, English and math teachers as head teachers for classes. Sometimes,股权激励培训,“体育教师能不能当班主任”的话题引发网络热议, Ms Su,有2.7亿人存眷浏览。

saying that with less pressure in teaching。


but also enhance the internal cohesion of her class. 苏教师说:“其实我们体育教师并不但是教体育罢了,有更多工夫打点班级, 这个谈论的主角是浙江杭州一位名叫苏芷嫣的教师。

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