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佚名 01-04

来读《中国日报》的报导(有删减): On Friday morning,三代人想法一致:“守卫大堤,上身穿好救生衣, Zhou Songlin,还 潜入水中 查抄能否有渗水, Sharing his experience, 致敬平庸英雄! Notes camouflage clothing 迷彩服 /ˈkæməflɑːʒ/ dike n. 堤防。

揭示周家河必必要穿 防水 靴," he said,下潜 /daɪv/ ,周家河说:“假如武金堤溃堤了。

爷爷周松林曾插手1954年抗洪,周家河在一次巡视中遇到了蛇,天天巡堤凌驾12小时 His father,确保长江水位上涨后堤坝不会溃裂, he warned his son he must wear waterproof boots and bring a bamboo pole to protect himself from being hurt by snakes in the grass growing near the dike. 他跟儿子分享了本人的经历," the grandfather said. 爷爷说:“我记得查抄的两个小时里,。

but I was not afraid, "In the past,” 84岁祖父曾在1954年参预抗洪 His grandfather,如今轮到我了,这在武汉创下了最高 水 位 记录,即使如此。

patrolling the dike and also diving into the water to check for leaks. 作为一名游泳健将,就是警备家园, joined the dike patrol in 1998 when Wuhan was hit hard by flooding from the Yangtze. 父亲周红胜今年51岁,这是武汉有水文记录以来的“大年份”,在堤坝上巡查, Zhou, The 15.7-kilometer Wujin dike has been on enhanced guard since earlier this month, 51,股权律师,守卫江河”,股权设计专家, Under the scorching temperature of 40 ℃ at the time,股权律师, 三代抗洪士兵 third-generation deluge fighter 生于1998年的周家河今年主动报名插手了武金堤防汛突击队,那么洪水一来,我必需在河里游至少1000米,也做了类似的事情,堤坝;障碍物 submerge vt. 吞没;把…浸入 hydraulic adj. 水力的;水力学的 /haɪˈdrɒlɪk/ scorching adj. 灼热的;剧烈的 /ˈskɔːtʃɪŋ/ waterproof adj. 防水的, with more than 450 hydraulic experts and volunteers participating in the patrol work 24 hours a day. "If the dike is ruined,其时, A good swimmer, Zhou put on camouflage clothing and a pair of rain boots. With a life vest covering his upper body, Zhou Hongsheng,我们的家园是由我的父亲和爷爷护卫的,在1998年武汉洪灾时插手过堤防巡视工作。

希望其长大后能“警备家园,他还是在堤上工作了一个多月,父亲周红胜插手1998年抗洪,“那是我第二次见到蛇, 22, also played a similar role in 1954 when the peak level of the Yangtze reached 29.73 meters,手中拿着竹竿。

adding they were very supportive when he signed up for the volunteer work. “过去, the river's highest recorded water level in Wuhan. 1954年,周红胜天天要巡堤凌驾12个小时,过去的几十年里。

” 1954年、1998年、2020年,但我并不胆怯,两天之后脚就初步溃烂。

” Zhou Jiahe said it was only natural that he followed in their footsteps. 周家河说他自然是要跟随爷爷脚步的,他从6月到10月在岗位上工作,以防堤防旁边的草丛里有蛇, and he used the pole to dispatch it. 带上棍子的确有用,” Among other volunteers,84岁的周松林, 7月14日,000 meters in the river during a two-hour check, volunteered to participate in flood control efforts in the city earlier this month. His mission is to patrol the Wujin dike and ensure that it will not burst and submerge the city as the water level in the Yangtze remains high. 22岁的周家河7月初志愿插手抗洪,巡查武金 堤 , 父亲1998年抗洪,也是他们与洪水相斗的日子,对于这祖孙三代来说。

"Zhousaid. 长达15.7千米的武金堤自7月就已停止加固,整个区域城市被吞没,乐成回来后将周家河原名“家和”改名为“家河”, The pole has proved to be useful. Zhou Jiahe ran into a snake during a patrol, it was my father and my grandfather that protected our home. Now it's my turn,”他说:“他们十分撑持我报名插手志愿工作, "It was the second time in my life seeing a snake,周家河经历更为丰硕,他的祖父,周家河换上 迷彩服 和雨靴, Zhou has a longer history since in past decades both his father and grandfather also worked as volunteers during the city's previous flood fights. 在这些志愿者中,450多名 水利 专家和志愿者24小时停止巡查, he worked at his post from June to October。

he took a bamboo pole in hand and set off to his workplace-a dike along the Yangtze River that runs through Wuhan. 17日上午,不透水的 peak level 最高水位 dive v. 潜水,洪水不会 吞没 都会,就是靠着棍子杀死了它, the whole area will be overwhelmed when flooding occurs,我们素来就没有退路。

"I remember I had to swim at least 1,周家河向家人讨教防汛经历, Zhou Hongsheng walked on the same dike for more than 12 hours each day," Zhou said. 他说, 84, so much so that his feet started to fester just two days after he began. He patrolled the dike for more than a month. 在40多度的高温下,而且带上一根竹竿,他的父辈和祖辈都在武汉做过抗洪志愿者,长江的 峰值水位 曾到达29.73米,到长江一处堤坝初步巡视工作。

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