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Africa’s endangered elephants 非洲象被列为濒危物种

佚名 01-04
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BBC correspondant What does it mean practically to have this information about their status? How do you use that to protect these animals and reverse these declines? 维多利亚吉尔 BBC通讯员 “知道这两种非洲象的现状有什么实际意义?如何操作这个信息来护卫非洲象, Victoria Gill, 英语大破解Africa’s endangered elephants 非洲象被列为濒危物种 本集内容 Africa’s endangered elephants 非洲象被列为濒危物种 进修要点 有关 “threats and warnings(威逼与警示)” 的词汇 边看边答 Which type of elephant has now been put onto the critically endangered list? 文字稿 The largest land animals on Earth. But their size has not protected them from the impacts of poaching or from the continued destruction of the vast swathes of interconnected habitat they need. 它们是地球上最大的陆生动物,自然界 保留 现状的详尽呈文,被列为 极度 濒危物种。

最新公布的名录将非洲草原象列为濒危物种,股权设计专家,000 wild elephants. And this latest examination of decades of census data and habitat surveys has shown the demand for ivory still drives the decline in their numbers. 整个非洲目前只要40多万头野生大象,被认为是反映日益拥挤的地球上, the fact that it’s been flagged is actually positive,这是初度对草原象和丛林象停止独自评估,也不能护卫它们大片互相依存的栖息地免遭连续的 毁坏 , Across Africa there are now just over 400。

采纳行动,并改不雅观它们数量下降的趋势?” Dr Isla Duporge,这项对数十年以来动物普查数据和栖息地查询拜访的最新钻研表白,但环境护卫工作者们相信, because then it means we can do something about it. And,前景不容乐不雅观, I think that’s also positive because it means we can do something about it on a more concentrated level. 艾拉杜波什博士 英国牛津大学 “尽管从外表上看来,股权专家,过活 critically 极度地,因为这意味着我们能集中力量, separating the species,对象牙的需求依然是大象数量下降的驱动因素,警示 问题答案 Africa’s forest elephants have been put onto the critically endangered list. 下载 下载文字稿 , University of Oxford While on the surface of it it looks bleak,但这件事情被提出来反而是好事,这是因为非洲象曾被误认为是单一物种。

重大地 wake-up call 警钟。

这是它们保留所需的家园, Forest elephants are now even closer to extinction – critically endangered. 非洲丛林象如今更临近灭绝,同时,但庞大的体型并不能护卫它们免受 偷猎 的影响, The level of threat they faced had also been masked by the fact that the African elephant was previously thought to be a single species. This is the first time that savanna and forest elephant [have] been assessed separately. 之前人们没有认清非洲象所面临的威逼水平。

物种和自然空间都在消失,我认为独自评估两种非洲象物种也是好事,因为这意味着我们能对此采纳行动,” The loss of species and natural spaces is happening all around the world. But conservationists are confident that this wake-up call could ensure that these giant icons of African wildlife get the protection and the space that they need. 在世界各地,非洲象濒危所敲响的 警钟 能确保这些象征着非洲野生动物的庞大物种得到它们所必要的护卫和保留空间。

偷捕(动物) destruction 毁坏 faring 保留,股权课程, 词汇 poaching 偷猎, This latest Red List of Threatened Species – considered to be the comprehensive report on how nature is faring on an increasingly crowded planet – puts Africa’s savanna elephants into the endangered category. 世界自然护卫联盟制定的濒危物种红色名录,。

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