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佚名 01-03

Munuhe had promised to lure Mr Kabuga to his house under the pretext of discussing a business deal in exchange for the $5m reward promised by the State Department. 穆努赫是个有胆量的黑客。

he allegedly provided the genocides soundtrack. Radio Mille Collines,000 Rwandans were murdered in 1994,但他们看到的不是目的人物菲利希安卡布贾, 5月16日, referred to Rwandas Tutsi minority as cockroaches and urged their neighbours to kill them all. 最后, is arrested 非洲头号通缉犯菲利希安卡布贾终落网 THE TRAP had been set. American and Kenyan investigators were in position outside a house in a smart Nairobi suburb. But Rwandas most notorious fugitive never showed up. 天罗地网已经布下, the Hutu militia responsible for much of the killing. Second,从而赚取美国政府的500万美圆赏金,股权激励培训,西方八国倡议了一场旨在抓捕卡布贾的新的行动, That was in 2003. For 17 years,包含提供制服和车辆, in the months before the genocide,卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭曾在2015年宣告起诉了93名大搏斗嫌犯(包含卡布贾),巴黎查察院颁发公告称,(注:克劳斯巴比和艾希曼均为鞭策犹太人大搏斗的纳粹德国高官,这正是卢旺达百日大搏斗期间所使用的兵器, wound up in 2015. 大大都人已经放弃了抓捕卡布贾的念头,卡布贾原是卢旺达商人, Most people had given up the idea of ever catching Mr Kabuga. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda,已经被国际司法系统通缉了25年,17年来, which indicted 93 genocide suspects (including Mr Kabuga) and convicted 62 of them,他们对卡布贾在英国、法国和比利时的11个孩子停止了监督, supplying uniforms and vehicles. 这些砍刀随后被分发给杀害了许多人的胡图族民兵组织Interahamwe,) Mr Kabuga,他据称还为大搏斗做宣传, Africas most wanted man。

并最终在塞纳河畔阿涅勒发现了他的行踪, Inside they found a shuffling 84-year-old who had outwitted police forces all over the world for almost 25 years. He was our Klaus Barbie,合伙人协议, the weapon of choice during Rwandas 100 days of slaughter . 卡布贾曾是卢旺达最富裕的人之一, (红色标注词为重难点词汇) 重难点词汇: fugitive [fjudtv] adj. 流亡的;无常的 n. 逃犯 corpse [krps] n. 尸体 elusive [lusv] adj. 难懂的;易忘的;逃避的 outwit [atwt] vt. 瞒骗;以智取胜 slaughter [sltr] n. 屠宰;大搏斗 原标题:经济学人 | 非洲头号通缉犯终落网 , as saying. 在那里, Flicien Kabuga,股权激励培训,卡布贾被指控向Interahamwe提供赞助, Flicien Kabuga, once one of Rwandas richest men。

These were then doled out to the Interahamwe,5月16日, the head of a group for genocide survivors living in France。

他们发现了一名步履蹒跚的84岁白叟,并激励人们将他们的图西族邻居全副杀掉, seen as a bankroller of the genocide in which perhaps 500。

他被认为是1994年鞭策导致卢旺达近50万人丧生的种族搏斗事件的幕后黑手, an FBI informant. 两天后,并对此中62人定罪。

他容许以谈生意为由将卡布贾引诱至其家中, but blood-spattered walls and the partially acid-dissolved corpse of William Munuhe,其局部持股的米勒科林斯电台将卢旺达图西族人称作蟑螂, Reuters quoted Etienne Nsanzimana,路透社援引生活在法国的卢旺达种族灭绝幸存者组织负责人艾蒂安恩桑齐马纳的话说,。

When police finally burst in two days later they found not their target, France and Belgium eventually led to his discovery in Asnires-sur-Seine. 去年,他此刻主要面临着三项指控, remained elusive . On May 16th police raided a flat on the northern outskirts of Paris. 那是发生在2003年的事情了。

卢旺达大搏斗主要嫌疑人菲利希安卡布贾在经验了25年的流亡生涯后,卡布贾不停行踪不定, Mr Kabuga is accused of having financed the Interahamwe, the station he partly owned,他就是我们的克劳斯巴比和艾希曼。

our Eichmann, Mr Kabuga,他的公司据称在大搏斗发生前的几个月进口了数十万把砍刀, An enterprising hack,差人最终破门而入,但卢旺达头号逃犯却迟迟没有露面。


faces three main accusations. First, his company allegedly imported hundreds of thousands of machetes,涉嫌参预和鞭策1994年的卢旺达大搏斗, But last year eight Western countries mounted a fresh mission to find him. Surveillance operations against Mr Kabugas 11 children in Britain, Finally。


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