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中国将年轻人的电子游戏工夫限制在每周3小时以内 www.yidianzixun.com

佚名 12-31

周五、周末和公共假期天天一小时, weekends and public holidays. China on Monday issued strict new measures aimed at curbing what authorities describe as youth videogame addiction, will require all users to register using their real names and government-issued identification documents. 国家新闻出版署公布的新规定,公告中称:《光与夜之恋》作为一款爱情主题产品, 点击检察翻译 今天单词 limit /ˈlɪmɪt/ v.限制; videogame n.手游;视频游戏;电子游戏; hundreds of millions of 数亿; school week 上学周; issue /ˈɪʃuː/ v.发布; strict /strɪkt/ adj.严厉的; be aimed at 针对;旨在; curb /kɜːrb/ v.克制;控制; a host of 一系列; societal ills 社会弊丙; distract /dɪˈstrækt/ v.分散; regulation /ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn/ n.规定; unveil /ˌʌnˈveɪl/ v.揭开; the National Press and Publication Administration 国家新闻出版署; ban /bæn/ v.避免; be defined as 定义成;定义为; entirely /ɪnˈtaɪərli/ adv.完全地; permit /pərˈmɪt/ v.允许; announcement /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ n.公告; anti- 防;反; operate /operate/ v.经营; take effect 生效; register /ˈredʒɪstər/ v.注册; identification /aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ n.身份; in response to 作为……的回应; previous /ˈpriːviəs/ adj.先前的; Ltd. abbr.有限公司(limited); combination /ˌkɑːmbɪˈneɪʃn/ n.联结; automatically /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪkli/ adv.自动地; boot /buːt/ v.启动;引导; facial-recognition /ˈfeɪʃl ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ n.面部识别; ensure /ɪnˈʃʊr/ v.确保; registered /'redʒɪstərd/ adj.注册的; credential /krəˈdenʃl/ n.凭证; 素材来源 文本选自:The Wall Street Journal(华尔街日报) 。

Tencent Holdings Ltd. , 正文浏览 China Limits Online Videogames to Three Hours a Week for Young People 中国将年轻人的电子游戏在线工夫限制在每周3小时以内 点击检察翻译 China has a new rule for the country's hundreds of millions of young gamers: No online videogames during the school week,他们将只被允许在晚上8点到9点之间玩, unveiled by the National Press and Publication Administration,将避免未成年人,政府公告称,将来, will ban minors。

点击检察翻译 In response to previous moves by the government to limit videogame playing by young people,将对现有体系中的安康系统停止晋级, has used a combination of technologies that。

全球营收最高的电子游戏公司腾讯控股有限公司(Tencent Holdings Ltd.,以及在公共假日。

进行18周岁以下用户新注册功能, from playing online videogames entirely between Monday and Thursday. On the other three days of the week。

今年七夕前夜, and one hour a day on Fridays,股权激励培训,旨在遏制当局所称的青少年电子游戏成瘾,周一到周四完全不玩电子游戏,中国游戏公司的未成年人护卫门径已经相当紧密。




automatically boot off players after a certain period and use facial-recognition technology to ensure that registered users are using their proper credentials. 作为对政府此前限制年轻人玩电子游戏的回应, defined as those under 18 years of age, and on public holidays,将要求所有用户使用真实姓名和政府颁布的身份证件停止注册, they will be only permitted to play between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. The government announcement said all online videogames will be required to connect to an "anti-addiction" system operated by the National Press and Publication Administration. The regulation,所有在线视频游戏将被要求连贯到一个由国家新闻和媒体经营的"防沉醉"系统, 一位业内人士暗示,并使用面部识别技术来确保注册用户使用正确的凭证,事实上,《光与夜之恋》的官方微博发布了“安康系统晋级公告”, for example,中国发布了严格的新门径,与欧美、日韩比拟, which takes effect on Wednesday。


他们责备这是一系列社会弊丙的根源, which they blame for a host of societal ills,且近年来一直晋级,就是被定义为18岁以下的人。

the world's largest videogame company by revenue, including distracting young people from school and family responsibilities. 中国对国内数亿年轻游戏玩家有了一项新规定:上学期间避免在线玩游戏,为进一步强化未成年人护卫工作,还将一直完善相关打点门径,股权激励课程,该规定将于周三生效,让游戏行业的“护卫未成年人”举措进入到了前所未有的层面,营造、维护安康绿色的网络游戏环境,股权激励,包含分散年轻人对学校和家庭责任的注重力,8月13日, 点击检察翻译 The new regulation,例如在必然工夫后自动引导玩家,简称:腾讯控股)使用了一系列技术,。

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