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网络 08-22

摘要 宗旨评价杭州市轨道交通地下车站公共场所卫生学情况并为相关部门打点提供按照,结论应增强对地下车站集中空调通风系统的设想、维护和打点,fungi。

PM_(10),there was the possibility of insufficient fresh air volume in the underground stations under the minimum fresh air operation mode. Conclusion It is essential to design,对杭州市轨道交通16号线8个地下车站的公共场所停止卫生学评价,bacteria,存在新风量不敷的可能性,xylene,maintain and manage the central air conditioning and ventilation system in underground stations. It is also critical to conduct the related research about the chronic health risks of air quality in underground stations. ,air pollutants and central air conditioning ventilation system were observed. Results The exposure levels of temperature,β-hemolytic streptococcus,股权激励,方法按照国家相关法规和卫生规范, Objective To evaluate the sanitary conditions of public places in underground railway stations in Hangzhou City,toluene,集中空调通风系统在最小新风运行形式下,and provide scientific basis for public health management. Methods The public places of 8 underground stations were evaluated in Hangzhou rail transit line 16. The microclimate,dust accumulation and Legionella pneumophila in central air conditioning and ventilation system met the requirements of Hygienic Code for Central Air Conditioning and Ventilation System in Public Places. However,检测指标为微小气候、空气污染物、集中空调通风系统卫生学检测,。

ammonia and particulate matter( PM10) in the underground station hall and platform met the requirements of Hygienic Indicators and Limits for Public Places( GB 37488-2019). The concentrations of fresh air volume,carbon monoxide( CO),bacteria。

成果 16号轨道交通地下车站站厅、站台公共场所温度、风速、照度、细菌总、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、甲醛、氨、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)浓度合乎《公共场所卫生指标及限值要求》(GB 37488-2019);集中空调通风系统新风量、PM10、细菌总、真菌总数、β-溶血性链球菌、积尘量、嗜肺军团菌合乎《公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生标准》(WS 394-2012)限值要求,并成长地下车站空气质量对安康慢性影响的相关钻研,formaldehyde,illuminance,wind speed,carbon dioxide( CO_(2)),benzene。

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