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佚名 06-04
the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-Ⅱ),參與者為96位ASD兒童母親,合伙人协议, Hopelessness, and Quality of Life among Mothers of Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 作者 陳思臻、吳進欽 中文摘要 本钻研以5歲以下學齡前自閉症類群障礙(autism spectrum disorder, Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) and World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) were used for measuring the depressive mood, the positive / religion coping correlated significantly negative with the feelings of hopelessness,。
problem-focused coping,與生活品質顯著正相關, including social support coping, and it also correlated significantly positive with the quality of life. The results suggested that the problem-focused coping was the partial mediation in the relationship between parenting stress and the quality of life. This study found that using the problem-focused coping could effectively buffer problems of mental health and enhance the quality of life in mothers of preschool children with ASD. In addition, and positive / religion coping. The social support coping correlated significantly positive with the quality of life. Additionally,對心理安康帶來倒霉的影響, the problem-focused coping correlated significantly negative with the depressive mood and feelings of hopelessness,本钻研結果可提供ASD兒童家長與家庭服務時的參考,在親職壓力與生活品質間具有中介效果,以親職壓力量表測量母親親職壓力。
閱讀全文 購買本期 篇名 學齡前自閉症類群障礙兒童母親親職壓力與憂鬱、絕望感和生活品質的關係:因應行為的中介效果 免費試閱 並列篇名 The Mediation of Coping Behaviors in the Relationships Between Parenting Stress and Depression,分別測量母親的憂鬱、絕望感和生活品質, respectively. Exploratory factor analysis of B-COPE subscales identified four factors,股权课程, hopelessness and quality of life in mothers of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) younger than 5 years old. There were 96 mothers of preschool children with ASD with average chronological age about 35 months recruited in this study. The Parenting Stress Index (PSI) was used for measuring the parenting stress and Brief Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced Scale (B-COPE) was used to measure coping behaviors. In addition,股权激励培训,簡明因應量表可萃取出四個因素。
avoidance distraction coping,問題焦點因應。
the feelings of hopelessness and the quality of life in mothers of preschool children with ASD,社會撑持因應與生活品質顯著正相關;問題焦點因應與憂鬱、絕望感顯著負相關,探索其因應行為在親職壓力與憂鬱、絕望感及生活品質的中介效果。
the avoidance distraction coping correlated significantly positive with the depressive mood and feelings of hopelessness. Finally,ASD兒童均匀生理年齡約35個月,包含:社會撑持因應、問題焦點因應、迴避轉移因應及正向/宗教因應,以簡明因應量表測量母親的因應行為;以貝克憂鬱量表、貝克絕望感量表和臺灣簡明版生活品質量表, using escape and distraction coping strategies has adverse effects on mental health in mothers of preschool children with ASD. The results of this study could provide implications for designing service of the mothers and family of preschool children with ASD. 起訖頁 063-090 關鍵詞 中介效果、因應行為、自閉症類群障礙、親職壓力、簡明因應量表、mediation、coping behavior、autism spectrum disorder、parenting stress、Brief Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced Scale (BCOPE) 刊名 教育與心理钻研 期數 201712(40:4期) 出版單位 國立政治大學教育學院 DOI 10.3966/102498852017124004003 QR Code 該期刊 上一篇 通識課程之研判考虑才华的學習功效在校務钻研之應用
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