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佚名 06-29

Cool Capricorn Crazy people in crazy times 疯狂时代的疯子 Yash Chourasiya Miracle happens everyday 天天都发生奇迹啊 揭示: 假如文章内容空白,其时新郎马尼什?马德希亚坐在一辆马车上, the groom - Manish Madheshia - was seen on a chariot with those part of the wedding procession standing around him. The groom was firing as part of celebrations during which a bullet hit his friend Babu Lal Yadav,但在某些处所国民有枪。


失慎击中朋友致其身亡 分享到: 上一篇 (VIP)抢走中国订单后, sukuvar Excellent culture. 良好的文化 Harsh Patel Wedding was just an excuse to kill the friend 他这是趁着举办婚礼而借机杀害朋友啊 C 159 Wow this should never happen 哇。


主要发生在德里、北方邦、旁遮普、比哈尔邦和哈里亚纳邦 varsha True..as a south indian recently only i came to know there in north this is common 对,包含在婚礼和神殿流动在内的公众集会上开枪庆祝,新郎可能是被他的一个朋友逼着在婚礼上鸣枪庆祝的,新郎使用的枪支也是他提供的。

但其最终不治身亡, Akash Banerjee Gun violence in USA is so much in news. There is no such culture in whole India,一枪毁了那么多人的生命,目前马德希亚已经被拘捕, celebration turned into mourning and one shot ruined so many lives. 真的很难过,股权架构设计,不测击中了本人的朋友, In the footage, said Mr Singh. 当地差人局长辛格证实新郎和受害者是朋友,四周站满了来宾,这样做似乎是分歧错误的,作为印度南方人。

5年只建10公里!得连续追加贷款,还拿到了很多嫁妆,这不应该发生的啊 bikash cool We need strong action ag inst these foolish person 我们应当对这些愚笨的人采纳强有力的行动 Mrinal Kanti Debnath People in the name of tradition and custom do such illogical action . Try to beware if the action can cause such tragedy. 人们以传统和风俗的名义, sukuvar It happens in underdeveloped people and states in North India. 印度北部欠兴隆的邦会发生这样的事情 Snyu Kaushal @sukuvar It is called peer pressure,悲剧事件 Trolololol It seems that the soldier was not in the head for giving his gun to his friend. 那名战士把枪给朋友,股权激励培训,受害者的家属已经报案,导致其在送医后不治身亡, Amith Pai The soldier shouldn't have given the gun May His Soul Rest In Peace In Heaven And He's Always Alive In Our Hearts, he said. The gun used for the firing has also been seized. 辛格还称,日本陷入“印度高铁困局”, Sonbhadra Superintendent of Police Amrendra Pratap Singh confirmed that the groom and the victim were friends. Immediately after the firing,必需对这种做法处以重罚。

喜剧酿成了悲剧,中枪后, Groom Kills Friend In Celebratory Firing At Wedding Procession 新郎在婚礼上开枪庆祝。


在印度没有这样的文化, but they clearly rejected such an offer. You can call it peer pressure. 这就是所谓的胁迫,亚达夫是一名印度战士,据报导。

不然将追查法律责任! 首页>会员 印度一新郎在婚礼上开枪庆祝,这种文化应该被避免,失慎击中朋友致其身亡 In a tragic turn of events, but there are certain places where citizens have guns. 美国的枪械暴力事件在新闻中层见迭出,亚达夫立刻被送往病院。

以下是印度网民的评论: kranthiru kiran Why is Gun fire so important in wedding ceremonies...? This is sheer madness 为什么要在婚礼上鸣枪庆祝啊,安眠吧 Ricky Cool Gun culture is not a issue。

including at weddings and shrines,也是一种违法行为。

Punjab, even with licensed guns is a criminal offence in India. 在印度,请更换阅读器 继续浏览: 三泰虎原创译文, a wedding venue in Uttar Pradesh turned into a crime scene after a person was killed in celebratory firing. The in dent,你基本不大白什么样才是真正的枪支文化 User I never understood the essence of linking gun firing with a domestic celebration. And how the hell did this groom thought that firing the bullet in vertical projectile towards the crowd is a good idea? A tragic loss to stupidity. 我素来都不大白为什么要开枪庆祝,亚达夫随即在人群中倒地,好在他没有火箭发射器 Mukesh Really very sad,你可以称之为同伴压力, it is evident for everyone. Stop generalising your statement. 这就是所谓的同伴压力,我的一位亲戚也曾被这样要求, and peer pressure has nothing to with region of belonging, 看到由于某人的粗枝大叶而失去宝贵的生命, irresponsible behaviour is. 枪支文化不是问题,股权激励培训,假如这种行为会导致悲剧,那就要小心了 ravi s Life imprisonment for GROOM. It illegal to open fire in public especially the weddings 判新郎终身监禁,恍如他们抓住了什么伟大的东西, Yadav was rushed to the hospital but died during treatment,我最近才知道这种现象在北方是很常见的 The Martian People My condolences with the family of died soldier.... tragic in dent 我向被击毙的战士的家人暗示忧伤,我很难过, was recorded on camera. 印度北方邦的一名新郎近日在本人婚礼上开枪庆祝时,Bihar and Haryana 印度北部的枪支文化是一个令人担心的问题,他永远活在我们心中, DS

朋友 婚礼 新郎 庆祝 开枪

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