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佚名 06-22
详细百科解释 其他语种释义 , My time is exclusively occupied with study . 我的全副工夫都用来进修了。
更精确一点来说是建设新的精力构造或审视过去的精力构造,股权课程, She had to work her way through law school . 她须半工半读进修法律, 音标:[ xuéxí, We pushed him hard to take up science . 我们竭力让他进修自然科学,。
始能一直提高,股权律师, Every student has an opportunity to study . 每一个学生都有时机进修。
Simon is doing very well at school . 西蒙的在学校的进修成效很好, Only persistent study yields steady progress . 坚持进修, xuéxi ]发音: study; learn; emulate 短语和例子 集中进修 massed learning; 进修某人的榜样 learn from sb.'s example; follow sb.'s example; 进修文化 learn to read and write; 进修雷锋 learning from lei feng; 进修英雄人物流动 activities to learn from heroes; 从生活中进修 learn through living; 进修成效 academic record; school record; records of studies; 进修动机 academic motivation; motivation of learning; 进修方法 learning method; 进修环境 academic environment; 进修进度表 academic progress check; 进修宗旨 aim of learning; 进修才华 mentality; learning ability; learning capacity; 进修年限 period of schooling; 进修期限 period of schooling; 进修领会 study notes; 进修委员 comrade in charge of studies; 进修障碍 learning disorder 例句与用法 The child 's work at school is about average .. 这孩子进修成效中常, Each child learns at his or her own pace . 每个儿童均按本人的进度进修。
He had been studying some of the dialects . 他早已初步进修几种方言了, 更多例句:1 百科解释 进修是透过教授或体验而取得常识、技术、态度或价值的过程,投资协议,进修必需倚赖经历威力够有久远功效, His method of study was characteristic . 他的进修方法是标新立异的,从而导致可量度的不变的行为变革。
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