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佚名 06-15中国也不例外。
它给政策制定者、老师、家庭和学生带来了一系列挑战, but others are nroblematic. 起訖頁 13-17 關鍵詞 “影子教育”、 公平、 质量、开展 刊名 比較教育钻研 期數 201202(34:2期) 出版單位 北京師範大學 該期刊 上一篇 钻研热情从何而来?——以“此中人—局外人”视角看国际比较教育钻研的背景、话语与价值不雅观 該期刊 下一篇 教育厘革:依然在公平与质量之间权衡吗? ,“影子教育”在有些方面是有益的, including in China. It brings a range of challenges to policy makers,股权架构设计,“影子教育”在全球逐渐扩张, it also changes in the shadow.And when the mainstream expands,则是在近几年才变得突出,但在有些方面却带来了问题。
閱讀全文 篇名 “影子教育”之全球扩张:教育公平、质量、开展中的利弊谈 並列篇名 The Global Expansion of Shadow Education:Subverting or Enhancing Equity,股权激励,。
families and students. Some dimensions of shadow education may be beneficial。
Quality and Development? 作者 馬克.貝磊、廖青 中文摘要 “影子教育”这一术语已被宽泛用于形容操作校外工夫对学校科目停止的私人增补教育, so does the shadow. In some parts of the world,在世界上的一些地区。
英文摘要 The term 'shadow education' has gained widespread use to describe private supplementary tutoring in academic subjects outside school time.The metaphor is used because the core of such tutoring mimics the mainstream school system. When the curriculum in the mainstream changes, teachers, shadow education has been prominent for some decades. In other settings it has only recently become strongly visible. It appears that shadow education is expanding worldwide,而在另一些地区,投资协议,“影子教育”已作为一种显著的教育现象历经了几十年。
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