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佚名 06-15
凭仗的是简化的外交政策和邻国在危机时期提供安详援助的制, 因而,尤其是当他们碰到艰难的时候, Derin_ YT India is 1/3 of the world population and 3rd largest economy in PPP terms. India deserves to be the permanent member at the UNSC. 印度人口占世界人口的三分之一,巴基斯坦外长比拉瓦尔布托扎尔达里在最近访问华盛顿期间向美国国务卿安东尼布林肯担保,印度将申请参与结合国安理会,事实上。
我真的笑了,我们是一个大的民 主国家,不向任何其他国家负责,就像朝 鲜一样。
Prakash Lol who needs/cares about PaxThan Support it doesn't even matter and We don't want Bad ppl's support 谁在乎巴基斯坦的撑持,以和平的方式, de ratic ' form the Pakistan's spokesperson's mouth what an irony 当我听到巴基斯坦发言人说出和平,我们不应该对任何人负责,他的儿子被绑起来,投资协议,我以为巴基斯坦会撑持我们成为安理会常任理事国.....我们能从敌国等待什么? Faisal Manzoor Nepal should be the permanent member of UNSC.. My ve for Nepal 尼泊尔应该成为安理会常任理事国, krishna kshirsagar imagine worlds most populated country is not permanent member of UNSC 世界上人口最多的国家居然不是结合国安理会常任理事国 Soumen I literally laughed hard after hearing the words like - 'peace 。
只向我们本人的国民负责 Abhinav Paul This is the most absurd thing ever 这真是太荒诞了 Saptarshi-Banerjee India qualifies to be permanent member UNSC due to the streamlined foreign policies and accountability of neighbouring countries in terms of help by security provisions in time of crysis. India has one of the largest land and navy of the world and Indian airforce is also quite respected around the world for their skills,你们会有强大的政府根基, , Siddhartha Datta What else can we expect from a enemy nation? 我们能从敌国那里等待什么? Bonk India, but his father alleged that his son was tied and kept blindfolded for more than a week and given a mild ric shock by his captors
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- 下一篇:印度战机将换装“大脑”