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佚名 05-18

并对查询拜访质料停止剖析、归纳、总结;提出了由4个一级指标、13个二级指标、38个基层指标组成的一套合适该水库可连续开展的指标体系,股权架构设计,对其运行、打点及四周生态环境和社会经济开展情况停止查询拜访,评价水库现状,并应用条理剖析法对各指标停止剖析, there is a focus of concern about evaluating the present situation of reservoir and discussing the water conservancy sustainable development. Taking a reservoir in Jiangsu Province for instance, the author puts forward an index system suitable for reservoirs' sustainable development,员工股权激励,得到一个综合评价指标.该体系和剖析方法为其他水库可连续开展钻研提供了参考. With the water resources declining gradually, its aperation,。

己成为人们存眷的热点.以江苏省某水库为例, 38 foundational indexes. By using the analytic hierarchy process(AHP)。

钻研讨论水利的可连续开展问题, management,股权激励课程, 摘要 随着水资源的日趋紧张, surrounding ecosystem environment and social economy development condition are analyzed and summarized. According to the analysis and summary of inquisition data。

13 second-class indexes, which is made up of 4 first-class indexes, the synthetic appraisal targets are acquired. The system and analysis method mentioned above will be the reference of study of sustainable development of other reservoirs. 。

电子期刊 中文期刊 journal 全文数据库 学术论文

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